Operating System: macOS Catelina 10.15.2
Interface Version: brms 2.10.0
Hi everyone,
I’m trying to do a relatively straightforward piecewise linear regression model in brms of the sort:
Y ~ 1 + (1 + x*(x > 0) + x*(x < 0) | subjectID)
x in this case is a vector of doubles between -1 and +1 (with no zero values).
When I create my formula and check the priors I get an error:
piecewise_formula <- bf(Y ~ 1 + (1 + x*(x > 0) + x*(x < 0) | subjectID)
data = df,
family = "gaussian")
Error in parse(text = x, keep.source = FALSE) :
:1:12: unexpected ‘<’
1: ~ 1+x+x>0+x<
So I looked up logical operators in Stan and found this page: 3.5 Logical Functions | Stan Functions Reference
But creating my formula using the operator function also returns an error:
piecewise_formula <- bf(Y ~ 1 + (1 + x*(operator>(x,0)) + x*(operator<(x, 0))|subjectID))
Error: unexpected ‘,’ in “piecewise_formula ← bf(Y ~ 1 + (1 + x*(operator>(x,”
This looks like a syntax error but I’ve counted my parenthesis and can’t see a problem. Alternatively:
piecewise_formula <- bf(Y ~ 1 + (1 + x * step(x) + x * step(-x)|subjectID))
Error: $ operator is invalid for atomic vectors
And I can’t seem to find any examples of logical operators in brms formulas, or piecewise regression models like this in the Stan or brms webpages, so I’m at the end of ideas for troubleshooting this error message. Any help or advice would be welcome.