I am unsure how to get the expected predictions from an adjacent category probit ordinal model with a categorical predictor and category specific effects. @paul.buerkner
Here’s the code of the model:
acceptability <- read_csv("https://osf.io/download/xmkvg/")
acc_bm_2 <- brm(
Response ~ cs(Condition) + (Condition | Participant) + (1 | Item),
data = acceptability,
family = acat("probit"),
cores = 4,
seed = 7823
has 7 categories, Condition
is canonical
or noncanonical
Here’s the output of fixef()
Estimate Est.Error Q2.5 Q97.5
Intercept[1] -1.4340338 0.4908987 -2.4498975 -0.5079088
Intercept[2] -0.6190555 0.3761126 -1.3387427 0.1205419
Intercept[3] -1.6452514 0.2921813 -2.2186126 -1.0948489
Intercept[4] -0.8509881 0.1924520 -1.2247104 -0.4828520
Intercept[5] -1.1222150 0.1475053 -1.4220528 -0.8414859
Intercept[6] -0.4568727 0.1134987 -0.6824405 -0.2305248
Conditionnoncanonical[1] -0.1406638 0.5366772 -1.2352887 0.8659495
Conditionnoncanonical[2] -0.1425097 0.4109545 -0.9254142 0.6671332
Conditionnoncanonical[3] -0.7785740 0.3209673 -1.4098297 -0.1599417
Conditionnoncanonical[4] -0.1738039 0.2078171 -0.5804308 0.2391148
Conditionnoncanonical[5] -0.6850219 0.1469132 -0.9824149 -0.4053308
Conditionnoncanonical[6] -0.3287998 0.1021691 -0.5301052 -0.1251982
I think to get the mean expected probability of category 6 when Condition = canonical (the reference level), I can do (?):
as_draws_df(acc_bm_2) |>
mutate(e6 = pnorm(`b_Intercept[6]`)) |>
But for Condition = noncanonical the following doesn’t seem to be correct.
as_draws_df(acc_bm_2) |>
mutate(e6 = pnorm(`b_Intercept[6]` - `bcs_Conditionnoncanonical[6]`)) |>
> # A tibble: 1 × 1
> `mean(e6)`
> <dbl>
> 1 0.449
This is the output of conditional_effects()
for reference.
I am clearly doing that wrong, but not sure what the right way is.