Adjacent category probit ordinal models expected predictions

I am unsure how to get the expected predictions from an adjacent category probit ordinal model with a categorical predictor and category specific effects. @paul.buerkner

Here’s the code of the model:


acceptability <- read_csv("")

acc_bm_2 <- brm(
  Response ~ cs(Condition) + (Condition | Participant) + (1 | Item),
  data = acceptability,
  family = acat("probit"),
  cores = 4,
  seed = 7823

Response has 7 categories, Condition is canonical or noncanonical.

Here’s the output of fixef():

                           Estimate Est.Error       Q2.5      Q97.5
Intercept[1]             -1.4340338 0.4908987 -2.4498975 -0.5079088
Intercept[2]             -0.6190555 0.3761126 -1.3387427  0.1205419
Intercept[3]             -1.6452514 0.2921813 -2.2186126 -1.0948489
Intercept[4]             -0.8509881 0.1924520 -1.2247104 -0.4828520
Intercept[5]             -1.1222150 0.1475053 -1.4220528 -0.8414859
Intercept[6]             -0.4568727 0.1134987 -0.6824405 -0.2305248
Conditionnoncanonical[1] -0.1406638 0.5366772 -1.2352887  0.8659495
Conditionnoncanonical[2] -0.1425097 0.4109545 -0.9254142  0.6671332
Conditionnoncanonical[3] -0.7785740 0.3209673 -1.4098297 -0.1599417
Conditionnoncanonical[4] -0.1738039 0.2078171 -0.5804308  0.2391148
Conditionnoncanonical[5] -0.6850219 0.1469132 -0.9824149 -0.4053308
Conditionnoncanonical[6] -0.3287998 0.1021691 -0.5301052 -0.1251982

I think to get the mean expected probability of category 6 when Condition = canonical (the reference level), I can do (?):

as_draws_df(acc_bm_2) |>
  mutate(e6 = pnorm(`b_Intercept[6]`)) |>

But for Condition = noncanonical the following doesn’t seem to be correct.

as_draws_df(acc_bm_2) |>
  mutate(e6 = pnorm(`b_Intercept[6]` - `bcs_Conditionnoncanonical[6]`)) |>
> # A tibble: 1 × 1
>  `mean(e6)`
>       <dbl>
> 1      0.449

This is the output of conditional_effects() for reference.

I am clearly doing that wrong, but not sure what the right way is.

Yeah, the acat model is a bit weird in that regard. you can read more about how its probabilities are computed in

Also, you can trust that brms (hopefully) computes probabilities correctly via posterior_epred (or fitted if you directly want the posterior summaries).

Thanks Paul! I did indeed read through that paper and I gathered that Eq (13) is the answer, but I might have misunderstood it.

\Pr(Y = k \mid Y \in \{k, k+1\}, \eta) = F(\tau_k - \eta)

If F is \Phi i.e. the CDF of the standard Gaussian distribution and \eta is the linear predictor which is the sum of the regression coefficients, then shouldn’t the following work?

as_draws_df(acc_bm_2) |>
  mutate(e6 = pnorm(`b_Intercept[6]` - `bcs_Conditionnoncanonical[6]`)) |>

It does seem to work when I don’t use category specific effects (i.e. when there is only one coefficient for the predictor).

It’s probably my lack of mathematical understanding, so forgive me if the question is trivial!

The problem is that what the equation gives you is \Pr(Y = k \mid Y \in \{k, k+1\}, \eta) but what I believe you want is \Pr(Y = k \mid \eta) that is without the condition. In other words, you should check a different equation in the paper.

That’s why you (me) should read the appendix… So, if I got it right, the equation is (A22)

P(Y = k \mid \eta) = \frac{\exp\left(\sum_{j=1}^{k-1} (\eta - \tau_j)\right)}{\sum_{r=1}^{K+1} \exp\left(\sum_{j=1}^{r-1} (\eta - \tau_j)\right)}


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Yes, exactly! :-)

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