Hi all,
I have the following Stan-code where independence is assumed between the lambda
data {
int<lower=1> n_fights;
int<lower=2> n_fighters;
int<lower=1, upper=n_fighters> fighter_id[n_fights];
int<lower=1, upper=n_fighters> opponent_id[n_fights];
int n_strikes_attempted[n_fights];
int n_strikes_landed[n_fights];
int n_punches_attempted[n_fights];
int n_punches_landed[n_fights];
int n_kicks_attempted[n_fights];
int n_kicks_landed[n_fights];
parameters {
vector[n_fighters] raw_lambda_strike;
vector[n_fighters] raw_lambda_punch;
vector[n_fighters] raw_lambda_kick;
transformed parameters {
vector[n_fighters] lambda_strike = raw_lamda_strike * sigma_strike;
vector[n_fighters] lambda_punch = raw_lamda_punch * sigma_punch;
vector[n_fighters] lambda_kick = raw_lamda_kick * sigma_kick;
vector<lower=0,upper=1>[n_fights] theta_strike = inv_logit(lambda_strike[fighter_id] - lambda_strike[opponent_id]);
vector<lower=0,upper=1>[n_fights] theta_punch = inv_logit(lambda_punch[fighter_id] - lambda_punch[opponent_id]);
vector<lower=0,upper=1>[n_fights] theta_kick = inv_logit(lambda_kick[fighter_id] - lambda_kick[opponent_id]);
model {
// priors
raw_lambda_strike ~ std_normal();
raw_lambda_punch ~ std_normal();
raw_lambda_kick ~ std_normal();
sigma_strike ~ exponential(1);
sigma_punch ~ exponential(1);
sigma_kick ~ exponential(1);
// likelihood
n_strikes_landed ~ binomial(n_strikes_attempted, theta_strike);
n_punches_landed ~ binomial(n_punches_attempted, theta_punch);
n_kicks_landed ~ binomial(n_kicks_attempted, theta_kick);
Next, I want to introduce correlation between the parameters by introducing a correlation matrix with a LKJ prior. I have read this blogpost and the Stan documentation but there are still things unclear to me.
In the parameters-block I need to introduce cholesky_factor_corr[] L_Omega;
Should the size be equal to n_fighters
or 3 (the number of different skills)?
In addition, how should I define the necessary variables in transformed parameters
to apply the Cholesky factorization?
Thank you