I just upgraded to 2.19.2 on my Mac - did it in RStudio. Using R 3.6.1.
Now stan code that used to work fine is getting an error variable does not exist. Like this:
Error in new_CppObject_xp(fields$.module, fields$.pointer, …) :
Exception: variable does not exist; processing stage=data initialization; variable name=N; base type=int (in ‘model184272c0d7b22_CVVessDel0823’ at line 2)
failed to create the sampler; sampling not done
Line 2 and above are:
data {
int<lower=0> N; //# rows
I define N in the R workspace using:
N <- as.integer(nrow(y))
I just added the as.integer part when I started getting this error message but it didn’t help
I just happen to be searching about this and saw your posting.
My co-workers who use Windows 10, and the latest versions of R, RStudio, RTools, have the same issue.
I did the same on my Mac, latest and greatest released versions, and have the same issue.
I can pass in a list of data and that works.
– Stephen
How do you pass in a list of data? Stan documentation is sparse on that. I tried to pass an integer vector by first doing this in R, with results shown:
nu = (array(integer(1), 2))
nu[1] = N;
nu[2] = U;
[1] TRUE
[1] 2
[1] 86 8
Then I put this in the data block of Stan:
data {
//int<lower=0> N; //# rows
//int<lower=0> U; //# columns
int nu[2];
Then I got the same error:
Error in new_CppObject_xp(fields$.module, fields$.pointer, …) :
Exception: variable does not exist; processing stage=data initialization; variable name=nu; base type=int (in ‘model184277056b0be_CVVessDel0823nu’ at line 4)
failed to create the sampler; sampling not done
I’m not at my computer at the moment, but if you go to the help ?stan, there is a section on passing data to stan.
Basically create something like data <- list(y=y, x=x, etc=etc), then when calling stan use the data input.
Ok - found it in a post called Passing data as a list vs character vector by jjvalletta
You make a list in R then pass it when you run Stan as in:
fit <- stan(model_code=stan_code, data=df)
Then the stan code doesn’t have to change at all.
After all this, I’m hoping that 2.19.2 is worth the trouble. And thanks for pointing me in the right direction.