Where did loo difference estimates go?

Now I’ve had some to play with the new brms/loo workflow, it might be helpful to others to see what it can look like in practice. Here I’ll compare fit1 and fit2 from @avehtari and @jonah’s vignette Bayesian Stacking and Pseudo-BMA weights using the loo package, which are themselves based on models from McElreath’s Statistical Rethinking, Chapter 6.

First, load the packages and format the data.


milk <- 
  milk %>%
  drop_na(ends_with("_s")) %>%
  mutate(neocortex = neocortex.perc / 100)

Fit the two models.

fit1 <- 
  brm(data = milk, family = gaussian,
      kcal.per.g ~ 1,
      seed = 1)

fit2 <- 
  brm(data = milk, family = gaussian,
      kcal.per.g ~ 1 + neocortex,
      seed = 1)

Here we’ll compute the LOO and WAIC for both models and them save the results with the brmfit objects.

fit1 <- add_criterion(fit1, c("waic", "loo"))
fit2 <- add_criterion(fit2, c("waic", "loo"))

You can access the results like this.

Computed from 4000 by 17 log-likelihood matrix

         Estimate  SE
elpd_loo      4.4 1.9
p_loo         1.3 0.3
looic        -8.8 3.7
Monte Carlo SE of elpd_loo is 0.0.

All Pareto k estimates are good (k < 0.5).
See help('pareto-k-diagnostic') for details.
Computed from 4000 by 17 log-likelihood matrix

          Estimate  SE
elpd_waic      3.6 1.6
p_waic         1.9 0.3
waic          -7.2 3.2

To compare models by their information criteria, use the loo_compare() function. Since it’ll come in handy in a bit, we’ll first save the results as ic.

ic <- loo_compare(fit1, fit2, criterion = "waic")

Here’s the default output.

     elpd_diff se_diff
fit1  0.0       0.0   
fit2 -0.7       0.6  

However, there’s more information available.

print(ic, simplify = FALSE)
     elpd_diff se_diff elpd_waic se_elpd_waic p_waic se_p_waic waic se_waic
fit1  0.0       0.0     4.4       1.9          1.3    0.3      -8.7  3.7   
fit2 -0.7       0.6     3.6       1.6          1.9    0.3      -7.3  3.2 

Even with all that output, you’ll notice that the difference score and its standard error are in the elpd metric, rather than the conventional information criteria metric. Here’s a quick way to do the conversion.

cbind(waic_diff = ic[, 1] * -2,
      se        = ic[, 2] *  2)
     waic_diff       se
fit1  0.000000 0.000000
fit2  1.416582 1.153017
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