Undefined behavior in ODE solver

Yeah, no fair

The subtraction of the analytical solution from the numerical solution produced an expression template rather than an actual vector.

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Lambdas do produce functors. They just do it by closures. The body of the lambda just defines the body of operator(). Any variable that isn’t explicitly declared in scope is captured either by value or by reference. In practice, those just get set as member variables on the functor.

So if I do something like

double a;
auto f = [](const auto& x) { return a + x; }

what happens is that you get the same behavior as if you’d done this:

struct anonymous12379 {
  double a_;
  anonymous(double a) : a_(a) { }
  template <typename T>
  auto operator()(const T& x) -> decltype(a_ + x) { return a_ + x; }

double a;
auto f = anonymous12379(a);