Trying to fit my costumised logistic function

Thanks for being helpful, the overall idea is sensible, but the execution is unfortunately incorrect - to have leave-one-participant-out cross validation, you sum the individual log-likelihoods directly. This actually could lead to a more compact code, as you can then have (ignoring generating predictions):

generated quantities {
  real log_lik[N];

    for(n in 1:N) {      
      log_lik[n] = binomial_lpmf(y[n,] | trials[n, ], performance[n, ]);

Some more discussion at:

I think (not 100% sure) that elpd_loo can be a somewhat meaningful quantity (it is the “expected log predictive density”), but generally I find interpretation without another model to compare to challenging. PPC’s are in my experience much more useful to asses fit of a single model.

Hope that helps!