Sorry, I thought I had the Lee book but can’t find it, and I am working off your description. I believe that Lee is fixing the thresholds, so it would be ok to estimate psi. I think it is more common to fix psi to 1 and estimate the thresholds. Below is a version of the model where thresholds are estimated instead of psi. I suspect it could still be improved, but maybe it gives you ideas about different ways to estimate the model. I changed the priors a bit.
int<lower=0> N; // number of observations
int<lower=1> P; // number of variables
array[N, P] int<lower=1, upper=5> z; // observed data
transformed data {
cov_matrix[4] R = diag_matrix(rep_vector(1.0, 4)); // prior covariance matrix for xi
vector[4] u = rep_vector(0, 4); // mean for xi
array[N, P] int ones; // to use bernoulli likelihood
for (i in 1:N) for (j in 1:P) ones[i,j] = 1;
parameters {
vector[21] lam; // pattern coefficients
row_vector[4] gam; // coefficients
real<lower=0> psd; // precision of eta
cov_matrix[4] phi;
array[N] vector[4] xi; // latent variables
vector[N] eta_std; // latent variables
array[P] ordered[4] thd;
transformed parameters {
array[N] vector[P] L;
array[N] vector[P] U;
array[N] vector[P] mu;
matrix[4, 4] phx = cholesky_decompose(phi);
vector[N] eta;
real sgd = pow(psd, -.5);
for(i in 1:N){
eta[i] = sgd * eta_std[i] + gam * xi[i];
for(j in 1:P){
if (z[i,j] == 1) {
L[i,j] = negative_infinity();
} else {
L[i,j] = thd[j, z[i, j] - 1];
if (z[i,j] == 5) {
U[i,j] = positive_infinity();
} else {
U[i,j] = thd[j, z[i, j]];
// measurement equation model, matrices would make this more concise:
mu[i,1] = eta[i];
mu[i,2] = lam[1] * eta[i];
mu[i,3] = xi[i, 1];
mu[i,4] = lam[2] * xi[i, 1];
mu[i,5] = lam[3] * xi[i, 1];
mu[i,6] = lam[4] * xi[i, 1];
mu[i,7] = lam[5] * xi[i, 1];
mu[i,8] = lam[6] * xi[i, 1];
mu[i,9] = lam[7] * xi[i, 1];
mu[i,10] = xi[i, 2];
mu[i,11] = lam[8] * xi[i, 2];
mu[i,12] = lam[9] * xi[i, 2];
mu[i,13] = lam[10] * xi[i, 2];
mu[i,14] = lam[11] * xi[i, 2];
mu[i,15] = lam[12] * xi[i, 2];
mu[i,16] = xi[i, 3];
mu[i,17] = lam[13] * xi[i, 3];
mu[i,18] = lam[14] * xi[i, 3];
mu[i,19] = xi[i, 4];
mu[i,20] = lam[15] * xi[i, 4];
mu[i,21] = lam[16] * xi[i, 4];
mu[i,22] = lam[17] * xi[i, 4];
mu[i,23] = lam[18] * xi[i, 4];
mu[i,24] = lam[19] * xi[i, 4];
mu[i,25] = lam[20] * xi[i, 4];
mu[i,26] = lam[21] * xi[i, 4];
model {
for(i in 1:N){
xi[i] ~ multi_normal_cholesky(u, phx);
eta_std[i] ~ std_normal();
for(j in 1:P){
// Phi_approx() leads to not finite gradient:
ones[i,j] ~ bernoulli(Phi(U[i,j] - mu[i,j]) - Phi(L[i,j] - mu[i,j]));
} // end of i
//priors on loadings and coefficients
lam ~ normal(1, .4); // (what you call psi is fixed to 1 for these models)
psd ~ gamma(1, .5); // prior on eta precision
gam ~ normal(0.6, 1);
phi ~ inv_wishart(5, R); // prior on xi covariance matrix
generated quantities {
real dthat[N];
for (i in 1:N) {
dthat[i] = eta[i] - gam * xi[i];