Translation of an SEM with Ordered Categorical Variables from WinBUGS

So, I’ve tried creating a direct translation of the BUGS model. Truncation in Stan is apparently achieved by defining upper and lower constraints to y_{ij}, and adding a truncation function T[L, U] to the distribution. From this I created two two-dimensional arrays of upper and lower boundaries, L[i, j] and U[i, j] in the transformed data section from thd[j, 1:6] and z[i, j]:

	int<lower=0> N; // number of observations
    int<lower=1> P; // number of variables
    array[N, P] int<lower=1, upper=5> z; // observed data
    array[P, 6] real thd; // Thresholds

transformed data {
   	cov_matrix[4] R = diag_matrix(rep_vector(8.0, 4)); // prior covariance matrix for xi
	vector[4] u = rep_vector(0,4); // prior mean for xi
    array[N, P] real L; // Lower truncation point of y
    array[N, P] real U; // Upper truncation point of y
    for(i in 1:N){
		for(j in 1:P){
			L[i,j] = thd[j, z[i, j]]; // Lower truncation point assigned values from thd[j, 1:5] based on value of z[i,j]
            U[i,j] = thd[j, z[i, j] + 1]; // Lower truncation point assigned values from thd[j, 2:6] based on value of z[i,j]

parameters {
	array[21] real lam; // pattern coefficients
	vector[N] eta; // latent variables
	array[N] vector[4] xi; // latent variables
	row_vector[4] gam; // coefficients
	vector<lower=0>[P] psi; // precisions of y
	real<lower=0> psd; // precision of eta
	cov_matrix[4] phi;
    array[N, P] real<lower=L, upper=U> y; // Not sure if this is a correct assumption, but I chose a 2-D array of reals, as I figured this might let me assign constraints for each value of y.

transformed parameters {
    vector[P] sgm = 1/psi;
    real sgd = 1/psd;
    matrix[4, 4] phx = inverse(phi);

model {
	// Local variables
    array[N, P] real mu;
    array[N, P] real ephat;
    vector[N] nu;
    vector[N] dthat;
	array[21] real var_lam;
	real var_gam;

	//priors on precisions
    psi ~ gamma(10,8);
    psd ~ gamma(10,8);
    phi ~ wishart(30, R);

	//priors on loadings and coefficients
    var_lam[1] = 4.0 * psi[2];
    var_lam[2] = 4.0 * psi[4];
    var_lam[3] = 4.0 * psi[5];
    var_lam[4] = 4.0 * psi[6];
    var_lam[5] = 4.0 * psi[7];
    var_lam[6] = 4.0 * psi[8];
    var_lam[7] = 4.0 * psi[9];
    var_lam[8] = 4.0 * psi[11];
    var_lam[9] = 4.0 * psi[12];
    var_lam[10] = 4.0 * psi[13];
    var_lam[11] = 4.0 * psi[14];
    var_lam[12] = 4.0 * psi[15];
    var_lam[13] = 4.0 * psi[17];
    var_lam[14] = 4.0 * psi[18];
    var_lam[15] = 4.0 * psi[20];
    var_lam[16] = 4.0 * psi[21];
    var_lam[17] = 4.0 * psi[22];
    var_lam[18] = 4.0 * psi[23];
    var_lam[19] = 4.0 * psi[24];
    var_lam[20] = 4.0 * psi[25];
    var_lam[21] = 4.0 * psi[26];
    lam ~ normal(0.8,var_lam);

    var_gam = 4.0 * psd;

    gam ~ normal(0.6,var_gam);

    for(i in 1:N){
        //measurement equation model
        mu[i,1] = eta[i];
        mu[i,2] = lam[1] * eta[i];
        mu[i,3] = xi[i,1];
        mu[i,4] = lam[2] * xi[i,1];
        mu[i,5] = lam[3] * xi[i,1];
        mu[i,6] = lam[4] * xi[i,1];
        mu[i,7] = lam[5] * xi[i,1];
        mu[i,8] = lam[6] * xi[i,1];
        mu[i,9] = lam[7] * xi[i,1];
        mu[i,10] = xi[i,2];
        mu[i,11] = lam[8] * xi[i,2];
        mu[i,12] = lam[9] * xi[i,2];
        mu[i,13] = lam[10] * xi[i,2];
        mu[i,14] = lam[11] * xi[i,2];
        mu[i,15] = lam[12] * xi[i,2];
        mu[i,16] = xi[i,3];
        mu[i,17] = lam[13] * xi[i,3];
        mu[i,18] = lam[14] * xi[i,3];
        mu[i,19] = xi[i,4];
        mu[i,20] = lam[15] * xi[i,4];
        mu[i,21] = lam[16] * xi[i,4];
        mu[i,22] = lam[17] * xi[i,4];
        mu[i,23] = lam[18] * xi[i,4];
        mu[i,24] = lam[19] * xi[i,4];
        mu[i,25] = lam[20] * xi[i,4];
        mu[i,26] = lam[21] * xi[i,4];

		for(j in 1:P){
            ephat[i, j] = y[i, j] - mu[i, j]; 
            y[i,j] ~ normal(mu[i,j], psi[j])T[L[i, j], U[i, j]];

        // structural equation model

		nu[i] = gam * xi[i];
	} // end of i
	dthat = eta - nu;

	xi ~ multi_normal(u, phi);
	eta ~ normal(nu, psd);

} //end of model

This model will run, but with a total execution time of 4246.6 seconds (~71 min) it is horrendously slow! It will also produce the following warnings:

Warning: 15896 of 16000 (99.0%) transitions ended with a divergence.

Warning: 104 of 16000 (1.0%) transitions hit the maximum treedepth limit of 10.

Given that WinBUGS fitted the original model in 5-6 min, and JAGS fitted an almost identical model (the only difference being I(,) was changed to T(,)) in less than 20 seconds, and the above warnings, it seem the Stan model must be misspecified somehow. Any input on what may be causing the fitting issues?