In case someone would like to have a parallel version of Bob’s SBC function, I copied from the rstanarm implementation of sbc()
(the latter does not support the automatic adaption of thinning based on n_eff
while ensuring a fixed number of output samples). Here we go:
sbc_parallel <- function(model, data = list(),
sbc_sims = 1000, stan_sims = 999,
init_thin = 4, max_thin = 64,
target_n_eff = 0.8 * stan_sims) {
num_params <- num_monitored_params(model, data)
ranks <- matrix(nrow = sbc_sims, ncol = num_params)
thins <- rep(NA, sbc_sims)
sbc_sim <- function(n) {
seed <- seq(from = 0, to = .Machine$integer.max, length.out = sbc_sims)[n]
n_eff <- 0
thin <- init_thin
ranks <- rep(NA,num_params) #matrix(nrow = sbc_sims, ncol = num_params)
while (TRUE) {
fit <- sampling(model,
data = data,
chains = 1,
iter = 2 * thin * stan_sims,
thin = thin,
control = list(adapt_delta = 0.99),
refresh = 0)
fit_summary <- summary(fit, pars = c("lp__"), probs = c())$summary
n_eff <- fit_summary["lp__", "n_eff"]
if (n_eff >= target_n_eff || (2 * thin) > max_thin) break;
thin <- 2 * thin
lt_sim <- rstan::extract(fit)$I_lt_sim
for (i in 1:num_params)ranks[i] <- sum(lt_sim[ , i]) + 1
#rslt <- lapply(1:sbc_sims, sbc_sim)
rslt <- parallel::mclapply(1:sbc_sims, sbc_sim)
for (n in 1:sbc_sims) {
thins[n] = rslt[[n]][1]
ranks[n,] = rslt[[n]][-1]
pval <- rep(NA, num_params)
for (i in 1:num_params)
pval[i] <- test_uniform_ranks(ranks[ , i],
max_rank = stan_sims + 1)
list(rank = ranks, p_value = pval, thin = thins)
Moreover I also copied the seed specification from @bgoodri, albeit I understand from the discussion above that the “max-spacing” approach for seeds might not be needed (so we could have set seed=n
above as well, I guess, or leave it as it is in Bob’s original sbc