Hi Martin,
Thank you for your reply!
Actually \tau is not supposed to be a discrete parameter. By \tau\sim\mathcal{U}inf(0,10), I meant to refer to the continuous uniform distribution. Sorry for not making that clear! (I did try to emphasise that \tau does not necessarily coincide with one of the time points t_k of the observations though) However, I do realize that the conditioning on \tau is weird, I just don’t know how to prevent it.
Do you think it would make sense to “split” \tau into two parameters by setting \tau = k \cdot\Delta t - s with discrete parameter k being the index of the first observed time point after \tau, continuous parameter s being the time interval between \tau and the observed time point t_k, and \Delta t being the known time step between observations; and then treating k in the way you have suggested?
I had already tried whether inference for the remaining parameters works when \tau is assumed to be known. In that case, things are fine:
E.g. for the simulated data from my first post (where the parameters used for simulating were m_0=200, \theta=0.11, and \sigma=0.01), the Stan code stanmodel_stoch_exp_decay_with_known_release_time.stan (1.9 KB) and in R:
y_obs <- read.table("y_obs.txt")[[1]]
stanfit <- stan(file = "stanmodel_stoch_exp_decay_with_known_release_time.stan",
data = list(M=181, time_points=seq(from=0, to=30, length.out=181),
y_obs=y_obs, tau=1.1, index_before_tau=7),
seed = 42424)
I obtained the following output:
## mean se_mean sd 2.5% 50% 97.5% n_eff Rhat
## m0 201.439 0.03 1.93 197.73 201.45 205.29 3708 1.001
## theta 0.111 0.00 0.01 0.10 0.11 0.13 3638 1.000
## sigma 0.009 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.01 0.01 485 1.003
Describing the transition probabilities of the process by the normal distribution comes from the Euler-Maruyama approximation for the solution of a stochastic differential equation which is the kind of process that I am trying to model, therefore, I would definitely like to keep that part the way it is.