Pystan causes crash (gcc compiler?), conda on Mac OS X

After initial learning bump, conda is quite pleasent to use. (basically you have independent directories that contain all python stuff, and calling source activate envname /(or newer conda installations give you option to call conda activate envname) will make the envfolder the main (updates $PATH for bin and python folders).

To see all the environments, you can use conda env list.

We also have python interface to CmdStan called CmdStanPy

And ArviZ supports both CmdStan/CmdStanPy too, so you can do visualizations and diagnostics with it, if you want.

But I don’t think your PyStan is failing due your Python setup.

The problem is with your compiler and this error should also manifest itself with CmdStan too.

So, I think you should try to fix the header issue with the macOS compiler.

See the following resources

Make sure you have opened Xcode once via Spotlight to accept its license

install that so it puts C++ headers back in /usr/include

xcode-select --install