Thank you. I looked into refcat
argument but am still a bit confused, as to how I would test from such a model whether there are effects on the absolute odds of a particular level. Here’s an example with a three-way outcome prog
ml <- read.dta("")
contrasts(ml$female) = cbind("yes" = c(-1, 1))
my.priors = c(
prior(normal(0, 5), class = b),
prior(normal(0, 5), class = Intercept)
m = brm(
prog ~ 1 + read * female,
family = categorical(link=logit, refcat = NA),
prior = my.priors,
data = ml,
This yields a model with estimates for all three outcomes:
Family: categorical
Links: mugeneral = logit; muacademic = logit; muvocation = logit
Formula: prog ~ 1 + read * female
Data: ml (Number of observations: 200)
Samples: 4 chains, each with iter = 2000; warmup = 1000; thin = 1;
total post-warmup samples = 4000
Population-Level Effects:
Estimate Est.Error l-95% CI u-95% CI Eff.Sample Rhat
mugeneral_Intercept 27.21 169.02 -291.18 389.49 36 1.06
muacademic_Intercept 24.03 168.99 -294.35 384.63 36 1.06
muvocation_Intercept 29.61 169.00 -289.11 390.29 36 1.06
mugeneral_read -0.54 3.23 -7.46 5.55 37 1.06
mugeneral_femaleyes 1.61 2.78 -4.03 6.65 72 1.03
mugeneral_read:femaleyes 0.12 2.86 -5.98 5.37 51 1.09
muacademic_read -0.46 3.23 -7.35 5.61 37 1.06
muacademic_femaleyes -0.38 2.78 -6.10 4.66 72 1.03
muacademic_read:femaleyes 0.16 2.86 -5.93 5.43 51 1.09
muvocation_read -0.59 3.23 -7.48 5.52 37 1.06
muvocation_femaleyes -0.39 2.80 -6.17 4.65 73 1.03
muvocation_read:femaleyes 0.16 2.86 -5.93 5.42 51 1.09
How do I interpret this output? are the effects given in each row the effects on the absolute log-odds of that outcome? I.e., mugeneral_read
describes the effect of read
on the log-odds of prog == “general”? I didn’t find any further documentation on this.