It should be as follows:
I’ve implemented some changes, including @nhuurre’s, and it looks like identifiability may be a big part of the issue; the model usually fits, but the chains don’t converge, and convergence gets worse as I add more iterations and more chains.
I’m also trying to add a generated quantities block, which is proving problematic. Do you have any advice?
Here’s watch I’m working with now:
write("// Stan Model;
real[] dZ_dt(
real t, // Time
real[] Z, // System state {Parasite, Host}
real[] theta, // Parms
real[] x_r, // Real data; below is integer data
int[] x_i){
real P = Z[1]; // System state coded as an array, such that Z = (P,H)
real H = Z[2];
real r = theta[1]; // Parameters of the system, in order they appear
real O = theta[2];
real h = theta[3];
real b = theta[4];
real c = theta[5];
real u = theta[6];
real FR_II = O*P/(1 + O*P*h);
real dP_dt = P*r - H*FR_II; // Mechanistic model
real dH_dt = b + H*(c*FR_II-u);
return({dP_dt,dH_dt}); // Return the system state
int<lower=0>N; // Define N as non-negative integer
real ts[N]; // Assigns time points to N
real y0[2]; // Initial conditions for ODE
real t0; // Initial time point
int<lower=0>y[N,2]; // Define y as real and non-negative
transformed parameters{
// Stiff solver for ODE
real Z[N,2]
= integrate_ode_bdf(dZ_dt,y0,t0,ts,{r, O, h, b, c, u},rep_array(0.0,2),rep_array(0,2),1e-10,1e-10,2e4);
for (i in 1:N) {
Z[i,1] = Z[i,1] + 1e-6;
Z[i,2] = Z[i,2] + 1e-6;
model{ // Ignore the means/variances for now...
r~normal(2.5,1); // r
O~beta(2,2); // O; bounded between 0 and 1
h~normal(0.06,1); // h
b~normal(35,1); // b
c~normal(0.2,1); // c
u~beta(2,2); // u; bounded between 0 and 1
for (k in 1:2){
y[ ,k]~poisson(Z[ ,k]);
stanc("Stan_Model_TypeII.stan") # To check that we wrote a file
Stan_Model_TypeII <- stan_model("Stan_Model_TypeII.stan")
# Squeezing the data into a form that Stan gets
Stoch_Data_TypeII = read.csv('/Users/mjarviscross/Desktop/GitHub/FcnalRespProj/data/Type II/FcnalRespProj_Data/Stoch_Data_TypeII.csv')
N <- length(Stoch_Data_TypeII$t)-1 # df is 2923; N is 2922
ts <- 1:N
y_init <- c(10,350) # Initial states, P = 10; H = 350
y0 <- array(y_init) # For the ODE solver
t0 <- 0.0
y <- as.matrix(Stoch_Data_TypeII[2:(N+1),3:4])
y <- cbind(y[ ,1],y[ ,2]); # This worked, sick; where y[,1] is P, and y[,2] is H
Stan_StochData_TypeII <- list(N=N,ts=ts,y0=y0,t0=t0,y=y)
# Fitting the data to the model
Stan_Model_TypeII <- stan_model("Stan_Model_TypeII.stan")
fit5 <- sampling(Stan_Model_TypeII,
data = Stan_StochData_TypeII,
warmup = 200,
iter = 400,
chains = 2,
cores = 2,
thin = 1,
control = list(max_treedepth=15,
seed = 123,
check_data = TRUE,
diagnostic_file = "/Users/mjarviscross/Desktop/GitHub/FcnalRespProj/Fit5.csv",
show_messages = TRUE,
verbose = TRUE)
And the generated quantities block I want to add looks like this:
generated quantities {
int y_rep[N, 2];
for (k in 1:2) {
for (n in 1:N)
y_rep[n, k] = poisson_rng(Z[ ,k]);
But am getting the following error:
Dimension mismatch in assignment; variable name = y_rep, type = int; right-hand side type = int[ ].
Illegal statement beginning with non-void expression parsed as
y_rep[[n, k]]
Not a legal assignment, sampling, or function statement. Note that
* Assignment statements only allow variables (with optional indexes) on the left;
* Sampling statements allow arbitrary value-denoting expressions on the left.
* Functions used as statements must be declared to have void returns