I have the same problem, but I do not know how to solve it. This is the model, code and data. Is there anyone who can help me?
hw1_data_p2.csv (2.4 KB)
p2.R (905 Bytes)
p2.stan (1.2 KB)
I have the same problem, but I do not know how to solve it. This is the model, code and data. Is there anyone who can help me?
hw1_data_p2.csv (2.4 KB)
p2.R (905 Bytes)
p2.stan (1.2 KB)
In general, to debug these issues do one of two things:
Use print statements in the code to output the values of parameters that are being sampled and identify those that have unreasonable values. You can also print the result of calculations like X beta.
Start with a simpler model, then add in more complex parts. So start with just a simple Poisson model, then add in hierarchical components in stages to identify where it failes.