How to speed up my bivariate hierarchical normal model?

We aren’t planning to add a multivariate CDF any time soon—nobody knows how to calculate it. But we may be adding a bivariate case. Until then, you can just implement it as a Stan function. The issue to track it is here:

and here’s @bgoodri’s comment with Stan code:

Those links are super-confusing given that they just summarize the issue, not what’s being linked, so I’ll add the actual code from @bgoodri:

 real binormal_cdf(real z1, real z2, real rho) {
    if (z1 != 0 || z2 != 0) {
      real denom = fabs(rho) < 1.0 ? sqrt((1 + rho) * (1 - rho)) : not_a_number();
      real a1 = (z2 / z1 - rho) / denom;
      real a2 = (z1 / z2 - rho) / denom;
      real product = z1 * z2;
      real delta = product < 0 || (product == 0 && (z1 + z2) < 0);
      return 0.5 * (Phi(z1) + Phi(z2) - delta) - owens_t(z1, a1) - owens_t(z2, a2);
    return 0.25 + asin(rho) / (2 * pi());