In case it’s of use to anyone, following these other posts 1 2 I modified the reduce_sum code as follows, to compute the linear predictor inside reduce_sum, and the model is now on par with map-rect, with much less coding complexity:
functions {
real partial_sum(array[] real Response_slice, int start, int end, vector Stimulation,
array[] int neuronId, vector neuronBaseline, vector neuronEffect,
real sigmaResidual) {
vector[end-start+1] mu = neuronBaseline[neuronId[start:end]] +
Stimulation[start:end] .* neuronEffect[neuronId[start:end]];
return normal_lpdf(Response_slice | mu, sigmaResidual);
data {
int<lower=1> nNeurons; // Number of groups
int<lower=1> N; // Number of total datapoints
vector[N] Stimulation; // Stimulation indicator
array[N] real Response; // Response data
array[N] int<lower=1> neuronId; // Neuron indices for each observation
int grainsize; // Number of observations per thread
parameters {
real meanBaseline; // Average baseline FR
real meanStimEffect; // Increment of FR with stimulation
vector[nNeurons] neuronBaseline; // Neuron-specific baseline FR
vector[nNeurons] neuronEffect; // Neuron-specific effect of stimulation
real<lower=0> sigmaBaseline; // Standard deviation of baseline FR
real<lower=0> sigmaEffect; // Standard deviation of stimulation effect
real<lower=0> sigmaResidual; // Standard deviation of residuals
model {
// Priors
meanBaseline ~ normal(0, 30);
sigmaBaseline ~ normal(0, 5);
neuronBaseline ~ normal(meanBaseline, sigmaBaseline);
meanStimEffect ~ normal(0, 30);
sigmaEffect ~ normal(0, 5);
neuronEffect ~ normal(meanStimEffect, sigmaEffect);
sigmaResidual ~ normal(0, 5);
target += reduce_sum(partial_sum, Response, grainsize, Stimulation, neuronId,
neuronBaseline, neuronEffect, sigmaResidual);