Frustrating problems with Pystan (anaconda Python)

Perhaps some of these "how do i even install the dependencies to run the software as a new user on platform x using package managers y and z " problems could be avoided by distributing a self-contained and tested Stan container image with pinned versions of dependencies (compilers, libraries, etc) atop a supported base image (e.g. debian stable).

I see earlier this year @wm1995 shared an example Dockerfile that installs pystan3 atop a python:latest image, which appears to be based on debian 11 bullseye, which is one of the operating systems supported by pystan:

With a container image there would still be a bit of a learning barrier for new users unfamiliar with wrangling container images: e.g. how do i run a container image locally (in this case installing docker for mac or perhaps an alternative like podman), how do i configure volume mounts and port forwarding to be able to share data and source code with a container or view a notebook hosted in the container – but there would no longer be any opportunity for users to accidentally pick combinations of build environments and package managers that aren’t supported or don’t work.