Hey Charles, inits for vector parameters seem to work for me. For example:
file <- write_stan_tempfile(
"parameters {
real alpha;
vector[2] beta;
model {
alpha ~ normal(10, 1);
beta ~ normal(-10, 1);
mod <- cmdstan_model(file)
inits_chain1 <- list(alpha = 15, beta = c(-5, -10))
fit <- mod$sample(chains = 1, init = list(inits_chain1), save_warmup = TRUE)
draws <- fit$draws(inc_warmup=TRUE)
posterior::as_draws_matrix(draws)[1, ]
The first row has the values of my inits:
# A draws_matrix: 1 draws, and 4 variables
draw lp__ alpha beta[1] beta[2]
1 -25 15 -5 -10
If you’re seeing different behavior a minimal example demonstrating it would be super helpful.