Conway-Maxwell-Poisson Distribution

Dear Ben

Sorry to bother but we are having problems implementing the CMP.stan code.

The problem for me is that I am trying to use that code as a custom family function for Stan via the brms package.

The relevant stan_var for the brms custom family function based on your code is at end of message along with the custom_family block for brms

The only difference being that I replace “lambda” with”mu” as that is a requirement of brms.

Also the reject() has been made an explicit string as also required. I thank Paul Buerkner for that and other important advice.

OK, the model compiles. It starts sampling but then freezes any desktop being used within a minute or two of sampling. Completely freezes my desktop.

No further sampling activity for an hour or more and locked out desktop for any task - like a kernel panic.

So two queries.

(1) have you been successful in running a CMP regression model using Stan and your CMP.stan using a real world data example?

(2) do you think that there might been something wrong with the log_C function and specifically the while statement: while(term>-745){ etc.

Regarding (2), it appears that perhaps the while loop has no appropriate stopping condition except the underflow check. Could that be the problem?

I am trying to coax Paul to make a CMP family a native brms family but he is understandably reticent to do so until we get the code working properly with a good real world data example.

The real world example I am using to test any CMP model is sourced from:

## Chanialidis C, Evers L, Neocleous T, Nobile A (2018)
## Efficient Bayesian inference for COM-Poisson regression models
## Statistics and Computing 28(3): 595–608

    > require(Rchoice)
    > data(Articles)
    > # from Chanialidis et al (2018)
    > # Focusing only on the students with at least one publication
    > phdpublish<-subset(Articles, art>0)
    > phdpublish<-transform(phdpublish, art=art-1)
    > # Standardise all non-binary covariates
    > phdpublish<-cbind(phdpublish[,c(1,2,3)],scale(phdpublish[,-c(1,2,3)],center=TRUE,scale=TRUE))

OK, so the CMP model is then:  art~fem+mar+kid5+phd+ment, model likelihood=compois

So I would be most grateful for any assistance.

best regards


MacOS High Sierra 10.13.4
R 3.5.0


compois <- custom_family(
  "CMP", dpars = c("mu", "nu"),
  links = c("log", "identity"), lb = c(NA, 0),
  type = "int")


stan_funs <- "
  real log_C(real log_mu, real nu) {
    real log_C = log1p_exp(log_mu);
    real lfac = 0;
    real term = 0;
    real k = 2;
    if (nu < 0) reject(\"nu must be non-negative\");
    if (nu == 0) {
      if (log_mu >= 0) reject(\"log_mu must be < 0\");
      return -log1m_exp(log_mu);
    if (nu == 1) return exp(log_mu);
    if (nu == positive_infinity()) return log_C;
    while (term > -745) {  // exp(-745) underflows
      lfac += log(k);
      term = k * log_mu - nu * lfac;
      log_C = log_sum_exp(log_C, term);
      k += 1;
    return log_C;
  real CMP_lpmf(int y, real mu, real nu) {
    if (nu == 0) return y * log(mu) + log1m(mu);
    if (nu == 1) return poisson_lpmf(y | mu);
    if (nu == positive_infinity())
    return bernoulli_lpmf(y | mu / (1 + mu));
      real log_mu = log(mu);
      return y * log_mu - nu * lgamma(y + 1) - log_C(log_mu, nu);
  real CMP_log_lpmf(int y, real log_mu, real nu) {
    if (nu == 0) return y * log_mu + log1m_exp(log_mu);
    if (nu == 1) return poisson_log_lpmf(y | log_mu);
    if (nu == positive_infinity()) return bernoulli_logit_lpmf(y | log_mu);
    return y * log_mu - nu * lgamma(y + 1) - log_C(log_mu, nu);
  int CMP_log_rng(real log_mu, real nu) {
    int y = 0;
    real log_c = log_C(log_mu, nu);
    real u = uniform_rng(0,1);
    real CDF = exp(-log_c);
    real lfac = 0;
    if (CDF >= u) return 0;
    while (CDF < u) {
      y += 1;
      lfac += log(y);
      CDF += exp(y * log_mu - nu * lfac - log_c);
    return y - 1;
  int CMP_rng(real mu, real nu) {
    return CMP_log_rng(log(mu), nu);

[edit: escaped code]