Comparing complex multivariate models with loo_compare

Following up on the initial problem, I have managed to run brms::loo_subsample() instead of loo() without errors, but I receive lots of pareto k diagnostic warnings. I have tried to run brms::loo_moment_match() on the loo_subsample() result as follows:

loo1 <- brms::loo_subsample(fit1)
loo1_updated <- brms::loo_moment_match(fit1,loo1)

but I receive this very confusing error:

Error in prep_call_sampler(object) :
the compiled object from C++ code for this model is invalid, possible reasons:

  • compiled with save_dso=FALSE;
  • compiled on a different platform;
  • does not exist (created from reading csv files).

Does brms::loo_subsample not work with brms::loo_moment_match? Please let me know if I should start a new topic, I’m not sure if this is related to the above issue. I have updated to the version of latest version of the loo package (loo_2.3.1.9000) via github.