Brms and cmdstanr show un-hidable warnings about proposal rejections

After updating brms as instructed, models won’t sample at all. There’s the following error:

Error in '/tmp/Rtmpt10WNx/model-b554b11a77561.stan', line 101, column 2: Declaration
    of arrays by placing brackets after a variable name was removed in Stan
    2.33.0. Instead use the array keyword before the type. This can be
    changed automatically using the auto-format flag to stanc

I’m trying to fix it on my own, but haven’t yet found how to change that setting globally for the whole session.

When updating brms, it also offered to update a bunch of other libraries related to Stan, so apparently one of those updates broke something. RStudio now lists brms version as 2.20.5, cmdstan version as 2.33.1, cmdstanr version as, along with both rstan and StanHeaders versions as 2.32.2. That cmdstanr version looks very suspicious to me.

UPDATE: I have downgraded to brms version 2.19.0 for now. Inability to see the sampling process is a minor annoyance compared to the inability to fit models at all.

Perhaps these complaints of mine ought to be moved to the unresolved thread. The unhideable warnings do not bother me, I’d just appreciate being able to see how far the chains have gotten…