Best way to identify pathologies from divergent transitions (general step by step workflow)

This is ideally the scenario I would like to find my self into. Namely, produce an neat summary plot and use to identify a pathology. I imagine that with 1000 paramters and more complex hierarchies it might not be that easy. @jonah any plan to add this to ShinyStan?

Could you make a concrete small example?

This is a great example of a starting point,something that together with all case studies that are spread through internet/discourseof I think should exist in a organized fashion: A guide on how to detect and solve the “typical” pathologies, from the most simple up to more complex with few case examples for each of them. This is really good to see. @Bob_Carpenter I imagine this as useful chapter from your next book on the modelling workflow. Myself as still nubby modeller, a complete guide on diagnosis would make my modelling process much more meaningful (unless I am missing some key online resource).