To reverse the colors in an existing color scheme, you can use the rev
(“reverse”) function to reverse the color order in bayesplot’s color scheme.
gives the current color scheme. If we look at the structure of the color scheme object, we can see that creating a scheme with a reversed color order should invert the colors in the plot.
> str(color_scheme_get())
List of 6
$ light : chr "#d1e1ec"
$ light_highlight: chr "#b3cde0"
$ mid : chr "#6497b1"
$ mid_highlight : chr "#005b96"
$ dark : chr "#03396c"
$ dark_highlight : chr "#011f4b"
- attr(*, "mixed")= logi FALSE
- attr(*, "scheme_name")= chr "blue"
- attr(*, "class")= chr [1:2] "bayesplot_scheme" "list"
Here’s an example:
# some parameter draws to use for demonstration
x <- example_mcmc_draws(params = 4)
mcmc_areas(x, regex_pars="beta")
Now reverse the colors in the color scheme:
cols = rev(unname(unlist(color_scheme_get())))
mcmc_areas(x, regex_pars="beta")
You can also set your own custom color scheme by creating a vector of six colors. Below I’ve just reversed the custom color vector from the help for bayesplot-colors
orange_scheme <- rev(c("#ffebcc", "#ffcc80",
"#ffad33", "#e68a00",
"#995c00", "#663d00"))
mcmc_areas(x, regex_pars="beta")
Created on 2022-03-24 by the reprex package (v2.0.1)