Bayes Sparse Regression - reg. horseshoe for multinomial model

I am trying to proceed and I report results while asking for some technical suggestions.

Mine could be a simple multinomial regression where categories are genes. However, the overall changes in genes can be asymmetric, where some genes increase in rate while other remain stable.

  • gene0…70 : slope == 0
  • gene71…100 : slope == 5

With a naive modelling we obtain slopes for the non changing genes that appear negative


A normalization that works is to assume there are some NON-changing genes, and force the slopes == 0 for them.

However I would like to exploit the sparsity assumption instead for “normalizing” the data: using something like Horseshoe prior of the slope

With that I improve my normalization, and the slope == 0 is actually centered on 0

I have two questions related to my model (attached at the end)

  1. with the tuning of these parameters I could not decrease my false positives to 0, although intuitively I should be able to make the attraction to 0 arbitrarily stronger
  • data_sigma$hs_df = 3
  • data_sigma$hs_df_global = 1
  • data_sigma$hs_df_slab = 2
  • data_sigma$hs_par_ratio = 0.1
  • data_sigma$hs_scale_slab = 1
  1. Maybe I am converting hs_par_ratio to hs_scale_global in a wrong way

in the formula

real hs_scale_global = hs_par_ratio / sqrt( AMOUNT_OF_DATA_POINTS);

I am setting AMOUNT_OF_DATA_POINTS as number of genes (e.g, 100) * number of replcates (e.g., 13 per gene regression), because I have my data organised as 100 regression with 13 point each


But I’m thinking that if I am out in such calculation of many order of magnitude then the % of non 0 matters little.

My model

  /* Efficient computation of the horseshoe prior
   * Args:
   *   zb: standardized population-level coefficients
   *   global: global horseshoe parameters
   *   local: local horseshoe parameters
   *   scale_global: global scale of the horseshoe prior
   *   c2: positive real number for regularization
   * Returns:
   *   population-level coefficients following the horseshoe prior
  vector horseshoe(vector zb, vector[] local, real[] global,
                   real scale_global, real c2) {
    int K = rows(zb);
    vector[K] lambda = local[1] .* sqrt(local[2]);
    vector[K] lambda2 = square(lambda);
    real tau = global[1] * sqrt(global[2]) * scale_global;
    vector[K] lambda_tilde = sqrt(c2 * lambda2 ./ (c2 + tau^2 * lambda2));
    return zb .* lambda_tilde * tau;
data {
      int<lower = 0> G;                   // all genes
      int<lower = 0> T;                   // tube
			int<lower=0> R;
      int<lower = 0> y[T, G];             // RNA-seq counts
			matrix[T,R] X;

// Horseshoe
  real<lower=0> hs_df; 
  real<lower=0> hs_df_global; 
  real<lower=0> hs_df_slab; 
  real<lower=0> hs_par_ratio; 
  real<lower=0> hs_scale_slab; 
transformed data{
	real hs_scale_global = hs_par_ratio / sqrt(G*(T-R));
parameters {

	// Linear model
	row_vector[G] beta0;

	// Horseshoe
  vector[G] zb; 
  vector<lower=0>[G] hs_local[2]; 
  real<lower=0> hs_global[2]; 
  real<lower=0> hs_c2; 


transformed parameters{
	matrix[R, G] beta; 
	matrix[R-1, G] beta1;

  // population-level effects 
  beta1[1] = to_row_vector( horseshoe(zb, hs_local, hs_global, hs_scale_global, hs_scale_slab^2 * hs_c2) );

	beta = append_row(beta0, beta1);

model {

	// Horseshoe
  target += normal_lpdf(zb | 0, 1); 
  target += normal_lpdf(hs_local[1] | 0, 1) - 3 * log(0.5); 
  target += inv_gamma_lpdf(hs_local[2] | 0.5 * hs_df, 0.5 * hs_df); 
  target += normal_lpdf(hs_global[1] | 0, 1) - 1 * log(0.5); 
  target += inv_gamma_lpdf(hs_global[2] | 0.5 * hs_df_global, 0.5 * hs_df_global); 
  target += inv_gamma_lpdf(hs_c2 | 0.5 * hs_df_slab, 0.5 * hs_df_slab); 
  target += student_t_lpdf(beta0 | 3, 6, 10); 

	// Lnear system
	beta0 ~ normal(0,5);

	for (t in 1:T) 
		y[t] ~ multinomial( softmax(to_vector(X[t] * beta) ) );
