Cmd stan 2.18 in win 10


I did as suggested in stan wiki:

git clone --recursive
make build -j4

It said that CmdStan v2.18.0 built.
Then I tried to build my model by typing make tmp/foo.exe in the command prompt and was able to build the model. However, when from R I tried
system(“make tmp/foo.exe”) I got
Assembler messages:
Fatal error: no compiled in support for x86_64

I found the problem. When I type path from command prompt I get
However, system(“m.bat”) where m.bat contains only one line set returns

Can somebody suggest how to make R to get the correct path?

R has that BINPREF environmental variable that is probably not being read when you use system.

Well, I did
PATH = paste(“c:\Rtools\bin;c:\Rtools\mingw_64\bin”, sep = “;” ))

It looks like I have modified path while R was running. I wonder if it is possible to make R read the current path.