Binomial regression with a log link

The key is to think about relative risks (or whatever is of interest) as an implication of the generative process you are trying to model instead of necessarily being a parameter in that model. In the simple case, you could estimate a Bernoulli or a binomial model with a good link function (not log), obtain the posterior distribution of the probabilities under different scenarios, and then divide to obtain a relative risk ratio. In rstanarm (or brms) it would look like

post <- stan_glm(y ~ treatment + x, data = dataset, family = binomial(link = "logit"), QR = TRUE)
nd <- dataset
nd$treatment <- 0
Pr_0 <- posterior_linpred(post, newdata = nd, transform = TRUE)
nd$treatment <- 1
Pr_1 <- posterior_linpred(post, newdata = nd, transform = TRUE)
RR <- Pr_1 / Pr_0

where dim(RR) will be number of simulations by number of observations and you can summarize that however you want.