Bad LKJ Initialization in model from "Fast hierarchical Gaussian processes"


Long-time reader first-time poster. I’m trying to reproduce the categorical data model found in the paper below; the Stan code can all be found in the appendix.

I’ve copied the model pretty much verbatim, I only cleaned up some deprecated syntax. My error on sampling is;

Rejecting initial value:
  Error evaluating the log probability at the initial value.
Exception: lkj_corr_lpdf: y is not positive definite.

This repeats for 100 attempts until it errors out. I understand why a correlation matrix needs to be positive-def but don’t understand why it fails to initialize properly here.

Full Stan Code:

functions {
 // return (A \otimes B) v where:
 // A is n1 x n1, B = n2 x n2, V = n2 x n1 = reshape(v,n2,n1)
 matrix kron_mvprod(matrix A, matrix B, matrix V) {
   return transpose(A * transpose(B * V));
 // A is a length n1 vector, B is a length n2 vector.
 // Treating them as diagonal matrices, this calculates:
 // v = (A \otimes B + sigma2)ˆ{-1}
 // and returns the n1 x n2 matrix V = reshape(v,n1,n2)
 matrix calculate_eigenvalues(vector A, vector B, int n1, int n2, real sigma2) {
   matrix[n1,n2] e;
   for(i in 1:n1) {
    for(j in 1:n2) {
      e[i,j] = (A[i] * B[j] + sigma2);
} }
return(e); }
data {
 int<lower=1> n1;
 int<lower=1> n2; // categories for learning cross-type correlations
 vector[n2] x1; // observation locations (e.g. timestamps)
 matrix[n2,n1] y; // NB: this should be reshape(y, n2, n1),
transformed data {
 matrix[n1, n1] xd;
 vector[2] one;
// where y corresponds to expand.grid(x2,x1). // To double-check, make sure that y[i,j] is // the observation from category x2[i]
// at location x1[j]

 one[1] = 1;
 one[2] = 1;
 for (i in 1:n1) {
   xd[i, i] = 0;
   for (j in (i+1):n1) {
    xd[i, j] = -((x1[i]-x1[j]) ^ 2);
    xd[j, i] = xd[i, j];
parameters {
 real<lower=0> var1; // signal variance
 real<lower=0> bw1; // this is equivalent to 1/sqrt(length-scale)
 corr_matrix[n2] L;
 real<lower=0.00001> sigma1;
model {
 matrix[n1, n1] Sigma1;
 matrix[n1, n1] Q1;
 vector[n1] R1;
 matrix[n2, n2] Q2;
 vector[n2] R2;
 matrix[n2,n1] eigenvalues;
 Sigma1 = var1 * exp(xd * bw1);
 for(i in 1:n1) 
   Sigma1[i,i] = Sigma1[i,i] + .00001;
 L ~ lkj_corr(2);
 Q1 = eigenvectors_sym(Sigma1);
 R1 = eigenvalues_sym(Sigma1);
 Q2 = eigenvectors_sym(L);
 R2 = eigenvalues_sym(L);
 eigenvalues = calculate_eigenvalues(R2,R1,n2,n1,sigma1);
 var1 ~ lognormal(0,1);
 bw1 ~ cauchy(0,2.5);
 sigma1 ~ lognormal(0,1);

target += 
-0.5 * sum(y .* kron_mvprod(Q1,Q2, // calculates -0.5 * y’ (K1 \otimes K2) y
    kron_mvprod(transpose(Q1),transpose(Q2),y) ./ eigenvalues))
-0.5 * sum(log(eigenvalues)); // calculates logdet(K1 \otimes K2)


R Code to generate data (also from referenced paper)

eps = 1e-8
n = 200

space = seq(-2,2,length.out=n)
time = space

K1 = kernelMatrix(rbfdot(4), as.matrix(space))
K2 = kernelMatrix(rbfdot(1), as.matrix(time))

L1 = chol(K1 + eps * diag(n))
L2 = chol(K2 + eps * diag(n))

v = rnorm(n*n)

y = as.numeric(matrix(t(t(L2) %*% matrix(t(t(L1) %*% matrix(v,n,n)),n,n)),n*n,1))
y = y + rnorm(n*n,sd=.1) # Add spherical noise

y = matrix(as.numeric(y), ncol = n, byrow = FALSE) ## NOT in original R code, but the Stan code expects an n2 x n1 matrix, as noted in the Stan data block.

data = list(n1=length(space),n2=length(time), x1=space, x2=time, y=y)


You may be able to get away with setting init_r to a number that is less than 2 in order to get initial values (of everything) that are more concentrated around zero in the unconstrained space. But in general, you should be using Cholesky factors of correlation matrices, in which case you should change the declaration to

cholesky_factor_corr[n2] L;

the prior to

L ~ lkj_corr_cholesky(2);

and the eigendecomposition to

matrix[n2, n2] Lambda = multiply_lower_tri_self_transpose(L);
Q2 = eigenvectors_sym(Lambda);
R2 = eigenvalues_sym(Lambda);
functions {
 // return (A \otimes B) v where:
 // A is n1 x n1, B = n2 x n2, V = n2 x n1 = reshape(v,n2,n1)
 matrix kron_mvprod(matrix A, matrix B, matrix V) {
   return transpose(A * transpose(B * V));
 // A is a length n1 vector, B is a length n2 vector.
 // Treating them as diagonal matrices, this calculates:
 // v = (A \otimes B + sigma2)ˆ{-1}
 // and returns the n1 x n2 matrix V = reshape(v,n1,n2)
 matrix calculate_eigenvalues(vector A, vector B, int n1, int n2, real sigma2) {
   matrix[n1,n2] e;
   for(i in 1:n1) {
    for(j in 1:n2) {
      e[i,j] = (A[i] * B[j] + sigma2);
   } }
data {
 int<lower=1> n1;
 int<lower=1> n2; // categories for learning cross-type correlations
 vector[n2] x1; // observation locations (e.g. timestamps)
 matrix[n2,n1] y; // NB: this should be reshape(y, n2, n1),
transformed data {
 matrix[n1, n1] xd;

// where y corresponds to expand.grid(x2,x1). // To double-check, make sure that y[i,j] is // the observation from category x2[i]
// at location x1[j]
 for (i in 1:n1) {
   xd[i, i] = 0;
   for (j in (i+1):n1) {
    xd[i, j] = -((x1[i]-x1[j]) ^ 2);
    xd[j, i] = xd[i, j];
parameters {
 real<lower=0> var1; // signal variance
 real<lower=0> bw1; // this is equivalent to 1/sqrt(length-scale)

 cholesky_factor_corr[n2] L;
 real<lower=0.00001> sigma1;

transformed parameters {
 matrix[n1, n1] Sigma1;
 matrix[n1, n1] Q1;
 vector[n1] R1;
 matrix[n2, n2] Q2;
 vector[n2] R2;
 matrix<lower=0>[n2,n1] eigenvalues;
 matrix[n2, n2] Lambda = multiply_lower_tri_self_transpose(L);

 Sigma1 = var1 * exp(xd * bw1);

 for(i in 1:n1)
   Sigma1[i,i] = Sigma1[i,i] + .00001;

 Q1 = eigenvectors_sym(Sigma1);
 R1 = eigenvalues_sym(Sigma1);
 Q2 = eigenvectors_sym(Lambda);
 R2 = eigenvalues_sym(Lambda);
 eigenvalues = calculate_eigenvalues(R2,R1,n2,n1,sigma1);

model {
 var1 ~ lognormal(0,1);
 bw1 ~ cauchy(0,2.5);
 sigma1 ~ lognormal(0,1);
 L ~ lkj_corr_cholesky(2);

  target +=
    -0.5 * sum(y .* kron_mvprod(Q1,Q2, // calculates -0.5 * y’ (K1 \otimes K2) y
           kron_mvprod(transpose(Q1),transpose(Q2),y) ./ eigenvalues)
      -0.5 * sum(log(eigenvalues)); // calculates logdet(K1 \otimes K2)

Added the hints from Ben, thanks!

Additional corrections

  • Constraints on the eigenvalues

matrix<lower=0>[n2,n1] eigenvalues;

Question: How to model a logistic model with that?