Well-behaved student-t innovations for state-space model? - looking for pointers

I am currently working on a process model. My current problem (one of several) is that I would like to replace the current (reasonably well-behaved) Gaussian innoviation process with a student process, but I am having problems getting this to work.

My issue is scaling. I can generate a well-behaved standard stream of draws from student(nu) easily (using the gamma(nu/2, nu/2) / normal two step method), but if I get very bad behaviour when I introduce a scaling factor (I have tried the obvious tricks, like normalising the variance of the process, but that just seem to make things worse).

I am sure I am doing this wrong, but it is not clear to me what the right way would be. I am also confident this is a known problem, so I was wondering if anyone can point me in the direction of a known solution?


Sean Matthews

Would the Reparameterizing the cauchy section of the SUG be pertinent?

Is certainly pertinent (!), not the current problem though, which seems to be an interaction between the scaling factor and the degrees of freedom (unsurprisingly, there is - at least in some versions - a Cauchy distribution connected to the digrees of freedom, but the problem seems to be more direct than that.

Currently looking at Fonseca et al. (ArXiv: 1910.01398v1) to see if that might be useful.

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You might need to describe the model here, for some of these the posterior is going to be wildly multimodal


Specifically, here’s a repo that implements some (non-Stan!) special cases that are multi-modal in various ways. Similar-ish special case to what you’re talking about:

with t innovations and normal observation error you get 1-3 peaks that can be widely separated and that’s conditional on the previous and subsequent observation. With less information you sometimes get more modes.

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Thanks - this looks possibly interestingy relevant. I am coming to the conclusion that multimodality is a (the?) problem. Can’t copy across the model, it is behind a pretty robust security wall, but essentially it uses an underlying process with drift which generates draws from a negative binomial process.

It works well enough (though not perfectly) with Gaussian innovations, but it really complains with student innovations.