Speeding up multinomial model with matrix inverses

Hi, I am looking for some advice on how to speed up the model below. Essentially, the idea is that there exist a set of surveys that ask respondents to select from different sets of candidates over time. The model uses a transition matrix to estimate how choices change between candidates when the options of available candidates change. There are also some adjustment factors and sum to zero constraints for identifiability but the key parts are probably the likelihood for the current data and the left_inv section I use to cache the inverses for the different combinations of candidates from the complete set.

Right now on six cores and a 2019 16’ MacBook Pro 700 iterations take about 75 minutes for NCandidates = 28, NPolls ~ 90, NCombinations = 45, and NPolls_past ~ 200 which is too long (as this is not the final version) though the model has no issue recovering parameters on past data and estimates from observed data look very reasonable.

Any advice would be really really appreciated!

edit: I suspect that there is an issue with having NCandidates adjustment factors given that these are applied to the contrasts and that this may hinder identifiability but am wondering whether this is not addressed by the sum to zero constraints.

data {
  int NSurveys;
  int<lower = NSurveys> NPolls;
  int NCandidates;
  int NPollsters;
  int NTime;
  vector[NTime - 1] t_unit;

  // First round
  int<lower = 1, upper = NSurveys> id_P_survey[NPolls];
  int id_S_pollster[NSurveys];
  int id_S_time[NSurveys];
  int abstention_omitted[NPolls]; //0-1 absentee treated as last candidate;

  // variable inclusion
  int NCandidates_Poll[NPolls];
  int NCombinations;
  int NCandidate_Combinations[NCombinations];
  int candidates_included[NCombinations, NCandidates];
  int candidates_excluded[NCombinations, NCandidates];
  int<lower = 1, upper = NCombinations> id_P_combinations[NPolls];
  int y[NCandidates, NPolls];

    // past
  int NElections_past;
  int NPolls_past[NElections_past];
  int NCandidates_past[NElections_past];
  int NPollsters_past[NElections_past];
  int<lower = 1, upper = sum(NPollsters_past)> id_r_past[sum(NPolls_past)]; // which pollster
  int<lower = 1, upper = NElections_past> id_rt_past[sum(NPollsters_past)]; // which election the pollster belongs to
  int<lower = 1, upper = NElections_past> id_t_past[sum(NPolls_past)];
  matrix[max(NCandidates_past), NElections_past] results;
  int y_past[max(NCandidates_past), sum(NPolls_past)];
  int abstention_omitted_past[sum(NPolls_past)];

transformed data {
  real lsigma = 0.0001;
  // Conditional values for subsetting:
  // * Previous election to current one
  // * Runoff
  // * Subsets currently
  vector[NCandidates] zeros = rep_vector(0, NCandidates);
  row_vector[NTime] zeros_theta = rep_vector(0.0, NTime)';
  matrix[max(NCandidates_past), NElections_past] theta_results = rep_matrix(0.0, max(NCandidates_past), NElections_past);
  int NCandidate_Combinations_neg[NCombinations];
  int corr_mat_positions[NCandidates, NCandidates - 1];

  int supvec_NPollsters_past[NElections_past];
  int supvec_NPolls_past[NElections_past];

  vector[NTime] t_unit_sqrt = sqrt(t_unit);
  for (ii in 1:NCombinations)
    NCandidate_Combinations_neg[ii] = NCandidates - NCandidate_Combinations[ii];
  for (ii in 1:NCandidates){
    for (jj in 1:NCandidates - 1){
      if (jj >= ii){
        corr_mat_positions[ii, jj] = jj + 1;
      } else {
        corr_mat_positions[ii, jj] = jj;

  for (ii in 1:NElections_past){
    theta_results[1:NCandidates_past[ii], ii] = log(results[1:NCandidates_past[ii], ii]/results[NCandidates_past[ii], ii]);
  supvec_NPollsters_past[1] = 0;
  for (jj in 2:NElections_past) supvec_NPollsters_past[jj] = sum(NPollsters_past[1:(jj - 1)]);
  supvec_NPolls_past[1] = 0;
  for (jj in 2:NElections_past) supvec_NPolls_past[jj] = sum(NPolls_past[1:(jj - 1)]);
parameters {
  real<lower = lsigma> sigma_tau;
  real<lower = lsigma> sigma_alpha;
  real<lower = lsigma> sigma_xi;
  matrix[NCandidates, NSurveys] raw_tau;
  matrix[NCandidates, NPollsters] raw_alpha;
  vector[NCandidates - 1] raw_xi;
  // Random walk
  vector<lower = lsigma>[NCandidates - 1] sigma_cov;
  cholesky_factor_corr[NCandidates - 1] chol_corr_theta;

  simplex[NCandidates] theta_prior;
  matrix[NCandidates - 1, NTime] raw_theta;
  simplex[NCandidates - 1] trans_prob[NCandidates];

  // -- Past parameters
  matrix[max(NCandidates_past), sum(NPollsters_past)] raw_alpha_past;
  matrix[max(NCandidates_past), sum(NPolls_past)] raw_tau_past;
  matrix[max(NCandidates_past), NElections_past] raw_xi_past;

transformed parameters {
  matrix[NCandidates, NTime] theta;
  matrix[NCandidates, NSurveys] tau;
  matrix[NCandidates, NPollsters] alpha;
  vector[NCandidates] xi;

  // Covariance matrizes
  cholesky_factor_cov[NCandidates - 1] chol_cov_theta;

  // transition matrix
  matrix[NCandidates, NCandidates] transition_matrix;
  matrix[NCandidates, NCandidates] left_inv_trans_comb[NCombinations];

  // Past parameters
  matrix[max(NCandidates_past), sum(NPollsters_past)] alpha_past = rep_matrix(-999, max(NCandidates_past), sum(NPollsters_past));
  matrix[max(NCandidates_past), sum(NPolls_past)] tau_past = rep_matrix(-999, max(NCandidates_past), sum(NPolls_past));
  matrix[max(NCandidates_past), NElections_past] xi_past = rep_matrix(-999, max(NCandidates_past), NElections_past);

  // -- Transition matrix
  // * Fill
  for (ii in 1:NCandidates){
    transition_matrix[ii, ii] = 1;
    transition_matrix[corr_mat_positions[ii], ii] = -trans_prob[ii];

  // * Determine and store the left inverse
  for (ii in 1:NCombinations){
             NCandidates - NCandidate_Combinations[ii]] mat1 =
             candidates_included[ii, 1:NCandidate_Combinations[ii]],
             candidates_excluded[ii, 1:NCandidate_Combinations_neg[ii]]];
      matrix[NCandidates - NCandidate_Combinations[ii],
             NCandidates - NCandidate_Combinations[ii]] mat2 =
             candidates_excluded[ii, 1:NCandidate_Combinations_neg[ii]],
             candidates_excluded[ii, 1:NCandidate_Combinations_neg[ii]]];
        1:NCandidate_Combinations_neg[ii]] = mat1 / mat2;

  // -- Current polling data
  // * Scale parameters
  xi = append_row(raw_xi, -sum(raw_xi));

  alpha = raw_alpha;
  for (ii in 2:NCandidates) alpha[ii, 1] = - sum(alpha[ii, 2:NPollsters]);
  for (ii in 1:NPollsters) alpha[1, ii] = -sum(alpha[2:NCandidates, ii]);

  tau = raw_tau;
  for (ii in 2:NCandidates) tau[ii, 1] = -sum(tau[ii, 2:NSurveys]);
  for (ii in 1:NSurveys)    tau[1, ii] = -sum(tau[2:NCandidates, ii]);

  // -- Random walk
  // Determine current covariance matrix
  // * Premultiply
  // * log-odds ratio
  // * random walk with skip mechanic
  // * fill last row with 0s
  chol_cov_theta = diag_pre_multiply(sigma_cov, chol_corr_theta);
  theta[1:(NCandidates - 1), 1] = log(theta_prior[1:NCandidates - 1]/theta_prior[NCandidates]);
  for (tt in 2:NTime)
    theta[1:(NCandidates - 1), tt] = t_unit_sqrt[tt - 1] * chol_cov_theta * raw_theta[:, tt] + theta[1:(NCandidates - 1), tt - 1];
  theta[NCandidates] = zeros_theta;

  // -- Past polling data
  // * Sum to zero constraints
  for (jj in 1:NElections_past){
    alpha_past[1:NCandidates_past[jj], (1 + supvec_NPollsters_past[jj]):(NPollsters_past[jj] + supvec_NPollsters_past[jj])] =
      raw_alpha_past[1:NCandidates_past[jj], (1 + supvec_NPollsters_past[jj]):(NPollsters_past[jj] + supvec_NPollsters_past[jj])];
    for (ii in 2:NCandidates_past[jj]){
      alpha_past[ii, 1 + supvec_NPollsters_past[jj]] =
        - sum(alpha_past[ii, (2 + supvec_NPollsters_past[jj]):(NPollsters_past[jj] + supvec_NPollsters_past[jj])]);
    for (ii in (1 + supvec_NPollsters_past[jj]):(NPollsters_past[jj] + supvec_NPollsters_past[jj])){
      alpha_past[1, ii] = -sum(alpha_past[2:NCandidates_past[jj], ii]);

  for (jj in 1:NElections_past){
    xi_past[1:NCandidates_past[jj], jj] = append_row(
      raw_xi_past[1:(NCandidates_past[jj] - 1), jj],
      -sum(raw_xi_past[1:(NCandidates_past[jj] - 1), jj])

    for (jj in 1:NElections_past){
    tau_past[1:NCandidates_past[jj], (1 + supvec_NPolls_past[jj]):(NPolls_past[jj] + supvec_NPolls_past[jj])] =
      raw_tau_past[1:NCandidates_past[jj], (1 + supvec_NPolls_past[jj]):(NPolls_past[jj] + supvec_NPolls_past[jj])];
    for (ii in 2:NCandidates_past[jj]){
      tau_past[ii, 1 + supvec_NPolls_past[jj]] =
        - sum(tau_past[ii, (2 + supvec_NPolls_past[jj]):(NPolls_past[jj] + supvec_NPolls_past[jj])]);
    for (ii in (1 + supvec_NPolls_past[jj]):(NPolls_past[jj] + supvec_NPolls_past[jj])){
      tau_past[1, ii] = -sum(tau_past[2:NCandidates_past[jj], ii]);
model {
  // -- Current polling data
  // Standard deviations
  sigma_xi ~ normal(0, 0.01);
  sigma_alpha ~ normal(0, 0.01);
  sigma_tau ~ normal(0, 0.01);
  sigma_cov ~ normal(0, 0.01);
  // Adjustment parameters
  // * Implement sum to zero constraints
  raw_xi ~ normal(0, sigma_xi);
  to_vector(raw_alpha) ~ normal(0, sigma_alpha);
  to_vector(raw_tau) ~ normal(0, sigma_tau);

  // -- Random walk
  theta_prior ~ dirichlet(rep_vector(1, NCandidates)) ;
  to_vector(raw_theta) ~ std_normal();
  chol_corr_theta ~ lkj_corr_cholesky(1.0);

  // -- Transition probabilities
  for (ii in 1:NCandidates) trans_prob[ii] ~ dirichlet(rep_vector(1.0, NCandidates - 1));

  // -- Likelihood (first round)
  // * Get the indexes for the included and excluded candidates
  // * Create a container for the complete vector
  // * Create a subset of those observed for the specific poll using the
  // * correct left_inv of the transition matrix
  for (ii in 1:NPolls){
      vector[NCandidates] prob_theta_complete;
      vector[NCandidates_Poll[ii]] prob_theta_subset;
      int id_P_combinations_ii = id_P_combinations[ii];
      int NCandidates_ii = NCandidates_Poll[ii];
      int index_included[NCandidates_ii] =
      int index_excluded[NCandidates - NCandidates_ii] =
          1:(NCandidates - NCandidates_ii)];
      int NCandidatesC_ii = NCandidate_Combinations[id_P_combinations_ii];
      int NCandidatesC_neg_ii = NCandidate_Combinations_neg[id_P_combinations_ii];
      prob_theta_complete = softmax(theta[, id_S_time[id_P_survey[ii]]] +
        tau[, id_P_survey[ii]] +
        alpha[, id_S_pollster[id_P_survey[ii]]] +
      prob_theta_subset = prob_theta_complete[index_included] +
          1:NCandidate_Combinations_neg[id_P_combinations_ii]] *
          (zeros[1:NCandidate_Combinations_neg[id_P_combinations_ii]] -
      target += multinomial_lpmf(
          y[(1 + abstention_omitted[ii]):NCandidatesC_ii, ii] |
          prob_theta_subset[(1 + abstention_omitted[ii]):NCandidatesC_ii]/
          sum(prob_theta_subset[(1 + abstention_omitted[ii]):NCandidatesC_ii]));

  // Past elections
  // * Scale parameters
  to_vector(raw_alpha_past) ~ normal(0, sigma_alpha);
  to_vector(raw_xi_past) ~ normal(0, sigma_xi);
  to_vector(raw_tau_past) ~ normal(0, sigma_tau);

  // * Likelihood
  for (ii in 1:sum(NPolls_past)){
      int start = 1 + abstention_omitted_past[ii];
      int NCandidates_past_ii = NCandidates_past[id_t_past[ii]];
      vector[NCandidates_past_ii] theta_past =
        softmax(theta_results[1:NCandidates_past_ii, id_t_past[ii]] +
                alpha_past[1:NCandidates_past[id_rt_past[id_r_past[ii]]], id_r_past[ii]] +
         xi_past[1:NCandidates_past_ii, id_t_past[ii]]+
         tau_past[1:NCandidates_past_ii, ii]);
      target += multinomial_lpmf(y_past[start:NCandidates_past_ii, ii] |
        theta_past[start:NCandidates_past_ii] / sum(theta_past[start:NCandidates_past_ii])

generated quantities {
  matrix[NCandidates, NTime] prob_theta;
  vector[NCandidates] prob_xi;
  matrix[NCandidates, NPollsters] prob_alpha;
  vector[NCandidates] prob_sigma_cov;
  for (tt in 1:NTime){
    prob_theta[, tt] = softmax(theta[, tt]);
  prob_xi = softmax(theta[,NTime] + xi) - softmax(theta[,NTime]);
  for (jj in 1:NPollsters)
    prob_alpha[,jj] = softmax(theta[, NTime] + alpha[,jj]) - softmax(theta[, NTime]);
    vector[NCandidates] tmp = append_row(theta[1:NCandidates - 1,NTime] +
      chol_cov_theta * to_vector(normal_rng(
        rep_vector(0.0, NCandidates - 1), 1)), 0);
    prob_sigma_cov = softmax(tmp) - softmax(theta[, NTime]);

Computationally, since this is a complicated model, it might be good to start by putting a bunch of profile statements around the model to figure out where it is spending time. See: Profiling Stan programs with CmdStanR • cmdstanr

Are treedepths big?

The thing that comes to mind here is hold these parameters constant (like take away the parameters and set them in transformed data to reasonable values or something). If things get dramatically faster, maybe something going on?

Any reason to believe A is symmetric or positive definite or anything? Any structure to it?

Also I was thumbing through the autodiff code – might be missing custom autodiff for some right solve stuff. Can you do this as (mat2' \ mat1')' (so a left solve – hope I did the algebra right but definitely check me)? But I guess this would only matter if it ends up that the matrix solves are really expensive in the profile.

The structure of the transition matrix is sum(A[j,]) = 0 with diag(A) = 1 if that helps. So neither positive definite nor symmetric sadly.

Treedepth is 7-8 but nothing higher. No divergent transitions.

Profile results are as such: