How do you kick off upstream/downstream tests proactively?

@syclik and @seantalts - merge of PR is causing upstream/downstream CI tests to fail.

  • as this is the most recent commit, OK to revert?
  • how does one proactively test these things?
  • doxygen tests aren’t passing - why wasn’t this caught by the PR?


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What makes you say it’s causing downstream and upstream CI tests to fail? Can you point me to the test failures? It looks like CmdStan, Stan, and Math are fine on develop. Which makes sense, as these are tested with each PR before merging is allowed.

Can you also point us to the failing doxygen tests?

thanks Sean!

on develop (with merged PR), I get doxygen warnings -

make doxygen | grep -i warning
/Users/mitzi/github/stan-dev/cmdstan/stan/src/stan/analyze/mcmc/compute_effective_sample_size.hpp:13: warning: argument 'std' of command @param is not found in the argument list of stan::analyze::compute_effective_sample_size(std::vector< const double * > draws, std::vector< size_t > sizes)
/Users/mitzi/github/stan-dev/cmdstan/stan/src/stan/analyze/mcmc/compute_effective_sample_size.hpp:13: warning: argument 'vector' of command @param is not found in the argument list of stan::analyze::compute_effective_sample_size(std::vector< const double * > draws, std::vector< size_t > sizes)
/Users/mitzi/github/stan-dev/cmdstan/stan/src/stan/analyze/mcmc/compute_effective_sample_size.hpp:13: warning: argument 'std' of command @param is not found in the argument list of stan::analyze::compute_effective_sample_size(std::vector< const double * > draws, std::vector< size_t > sizes)
/Users/mitzi/github/stan-dev/cmdstan/stan/src/stan/analyze/mcmc/compute_effective_sample_size.hpp:13: warning: argument 'vector' of command @param is not found in the argument list of stan::analyze::compute_effective_sample_size(std::vector< const double * > draws, std::vector< size_t > sizes)
/Users/mitzi/github/stan-dev/cmdstan/stan/src/stan/analyze/mcmc/compute_effective_sample_size.hpp:26: warning: The following parameters of stan::analyze::compute_effective_sample_size(std::vector< const double * > draws, std::vector< size_t > sizes) are not documented:
  parameter 'draws'
  parameter 'sizes'
/Users/mitzi/github/stan-dev/cmdstan/stan/src/stan/io/reader.hpp:638: warning: argument 'scal' of command @param is not found in the argument list of stan::io::reader< T >::scalar_offset_multiplier(const TL offset, const TS multiplier)
/Users/mitzi/github/stan-dev/cmdstan/stan/src/stan/io/reader.hpp:646: warning: The following parameters of stan::io::reader::scalar_offset_multiplier(const TL offset, const TS multiplier) are not documented:
  parameter 'multiplier'
/Users/mitzi/github/stan-dev/cmdstan/stan/src/stan/services/sample/standalone_gqs.hpp:19: warning: argument 'vector' of command @param is not found in the argument list of stan::services::get_model_parameters(const Model &model, std::vector< std::string > &param_names, std::vector< std::vector< size_t >> &param_dimss)
/Users/mitzi/github/stan-dev/cmdstan/stan/src/stan/services/sample/standalone_gqs.hpp:19: warning: argument 'vector' of command @param is not found in the argument list of stan::services::get_model_parameters(const Model &model, std::vector< std::string > &param_names, std::vector< std::vector< size_t >> &param_dimss)
/Users/mitzi/github/stan-dev/cmdstan/stan/src/stan/services/sample/standalone_gqs.hpp:29: warning: The following parameters of stan::services::get_model_parameters(const Model &model, std::vector< std::string > &param_names, std::vector< std::vector< size_t >> &param_dimss) are not documented:
  parameter 'param_names'
  parameter 'param_dimss'

looks like a few recent PRs have added doxygen warnings.