Confirmatory factor analysis for ordinal outcome: computing r-square?

I’m helping a colleague on a project where they used a likert scale questionnaire that has already been well-researched and consensus seems to support a 4-factor latent structure. So I coded up a model that could estimate the loadings of each factor on each question, and it’s working seemingly fine, but my colleague is wondering if the loading weights (outBetas in the model below) can be transformed to a 0-1 scale reflecting what % of variability in the response is explained by the latent factor. This would be relatively straightforward with a continuous outcome that is modeled with a noise parameter, but I’m unsure if it even has meaning in the ordinal scenario. Any thoughts?

  // nCat: number of ordered categories in outcomes
  int nCat ;
  // nSubj: number of subjects
  int nSubj ;
  // nOut: number of outcomes
  int nOut ;
  // outFac: list of which factor is associated with each outcome
  int outFac[nOut] ;
  // out: integer matrix of outcomes
  int out[nSubj,nOut] ;

transformed data{
  // nFac: number of latent factors
  int nFac = max(outFac) ;

  // zeroes: a vector of zeroes for latent factor means
  vector[nFac] zeroes = rep_vector(0,nFac) ;

  // cutpoints: cutpoints for modelling outcomes as ordered logistic
  ordered[nCat-1] cutpoints[nOut] ;

  // outMeans: *latent* means for each outcome
  vector[nOut] outMeans ;    
  // outBetas: how each factor loads on to each outcome.
  //           Must be postive for identifiability.
  vector<lower=0>[nOut] outBetas ;
  // subjFacs: matrix of values for each factor associated with each subject
  vector[nFac] subjFacs[nSubj] ;

  // L_Omega: related to correlation amongst the latent factors
  cholesky_factor_corr[nFac] L_Omega ;

  // standard normal prior on all the cut points
  for(i in 1:nOut){
    cutpoints[i] ~ normal(0,1) ;
  // standard normal prior on outMeans
  outMeans ~ normal(0,1) ;
  // implies flat prior on facCor
  L_Omega ~ lkj_corr_cholesky(1) ;

  // implies subjFacs distributed as multi_normal with zero means, unit SDs, and facCor correlation ;
  subjFacs ~ multi_normal_cholesky(zeroes, L_Omega) ;

  // outcomes as ordered logistic
  for(i in 1:nOut){
    for(j in 1:nSubj){
      out[j,i] ~ ordered_logistic( outMeans[i] + subjFacs[j,outFac[i]] * outBetas[i], cutpoints[i] ) ;

generated quantities{

  // log_lik: storage variable for later use of loo in R
  vector[nOut*nSubj] log_lik ;

  // facCor: correlations between latent factors
  corr_matrix[nFac] facCor ;

  // out_rep: matrix of outcomes
  matrix[nSubj,nOut] out_rep ;
  // compute facCor from L_Omega
  facCor = multiply_lower_tri_self_transpose(L_Omega);
  // compute log_lik for loo-based model comparison
  for(i in 1:nOut){
    for(j in 1:nSubj){
      log_lik[(i-1)*nSubj+j] = ordered_logistic_lpmf( out[j,i] | outMeans[i] + subjFacs[j,outFac[i]] * outBetas[i], cutpoints[i] ) ;
  // compute simulated outcomes
  for(i in 1:nOut){
    for(j in 1:nSubj){
      out_rep[j,i] = ordered_logistic_rng( outMeans[i] + subjFacs[j,outFac[i]] * outBetas[i], cutpoints[i] ) ;