Trying to set max_depth in CmdStan; error messages no help

Ok, so I’m trying to set max_depth at the command line with CmdStan. I first try the following:

../stan_models/rff-fb id=1 data file=curve_data.Rdump output file=output-1.csv max_depth=15

This gets me the following error messages:

max_depth=15 is either mistyped or misplaced.
Perhaps you meant one of the following valid configurations?
  method=sample sample algorithm=hmc hmc engine=nuts nuts max_depth=<int>
A method must be specified!
Failed to parse arguments, terminating Stan

Ok, that advice seems simple enough, so the command line is now as follows:

../stan_models/rff-fb id=1 data file=curve_data.Rdump output file=output-1.csv method=sample sample algorithm=hmc hmc engine=nuts nuts max_depth=15

Now I get these error messages:

sample is either mistyped or misplaced.
Perhaps you meant one of the following valid configurations?
  method=sample sample
Failed to parse arguments, terminating Stan

To say that this is less than helpful is putting it mildly. What am I missing here?

ETA: I figured out how the error messages were lying to me. This works:

../stan_models/rff-fb id=1 data file=curve_data.Rdump output file=output-1.csv method=sample algorithm=hmc engine=nuts max_depth=15

This also works:

../stan_models/rff-fb id=1 data file=curve_data.Rdump output file=output-1.csv sample algorithm=hmc engine=nuts max_depth=15

Here’s a call I used a while ago with a bunch of arguments. Maybe it helps?

stan_prog sample algorithm=hmc engine=nuts max_depth=10 num_samples=200 num_warmup=200 adapt delta=.8 random seed=123456 id=1 data file=dat_!country!.Rdump init=2 output file=output_by_c_!country!_chain_1.csv refresh=1

Note: The order of the arguments matter…

The problem wasn’t the order of the arguments. The problem is that the error messages suggested an invalid command line with extraneous arguments, e.g. “algorithm=hmc hmc” instead of just “algorithm=hmc”.

Thanks for creating the issue on the CmdStan repo. Hopefully we’ll fix this soon or replace the whole command-line interface arrangement with something flatter.