Replication of Winbugs NMA code in Stan

Hi all,

We’re working on reproducing some WinBugs examples from official guidance documents on Network Meta-Analysis. We’re getting very similar results, but some estimates are 1-2% different, which is large enough that I’m suspecting that the models are describing slightly different likelihoods. Is there anyone on here that’s fluent enough in both Stan and Bugs to verify if the code should work out to the same model or not?
I have attached Stan code and Winbugs code.


Ex2_model_random_winbugs.txt (2.1 KB)

Ex2_model_random.stan (2.7 KB)

It’s much much easier if you just post the text of your programs as code:

# Poisson likelihood, log link
# Random effects model for multi-arm trials
model{                               # *** PROGRAM STARTS
  for(i in 1:ns){                      # LOOP THROUGH STUDIES
    w[i,1] <- 0    # adjustment for multi-arm trials is zero for control arm
    delta[i,1] <- 0                  # treatment effect is zero for control arm
    mu[i] ~ dnorm(0,.0001)           # vague priors for all trial baselines
    for (k in 1:na[i]) {             # LOOP THROUGH ARMS
      r[i,k] ~ dpois(theta[i,k])   # Poisson likelihood
      theta[i,k] <- lambda[i,k]*E[i,k] # failure rate * exposure
      log(lambda[i,k]) <- mu[i] + delta[i,k]  # model for linear predictor
      #Deviance contribution
      dev[i,k] <- 2*((theta[i,k]-r[i,k]) + r[i,k]*log(r[i,k]/theta[i,k]))            }
    #  summed residual deviance contribution for this trial
    resdev[i] <- sum(dev[i,1:na[i]])       
    for (k in 2:na[i]) {             # LOOP THROUGH ARMS
      # trial-specific LOR distributions
      delta[i,k] ~ dnorm(md[i,k],taud[i,k])
      # mean of LOR distributions (with multi-arm trial correction)
      md[i,k] <-  d[t[i,k]] - d[t[i,1]] + sw[i,k]
      # precision of LOR distributions (with multi-arm trial correction)
      taud[i,k] <- tau *2*(k-1)/k
      # adjustment for multi-arm RCTs
      w[i,k] <- (delta[i,k] - d[t[i,k]] + d[t[i,1]])
      # cumulative adjustment for multi-arm trials
      sw[i,k] <- sum(w[i,1:k-1])/(k-1)
  totresdev <- sum(resdev[])            #Total Residual Deviance
  d[1]<-0       # treatment effect is zero for reference treatment
  # vague priors for treatment effects
  for (k in 2:nt){  d[k] ~ dnorm(0,.0001) }
  sd ~ dunif(0,5)     # vague prior for between-trial SD
  tau <- pow(sd,-2)   # between-trial precision = (1/between-trial variance)
  # Provide estimates of treatment effects T[k] on the natural (rate) scale
  # Given a Mean Effect, meanA, for 'standard' treatment A, 
  # with precision (1/variance) precA
  A ~ dnorm(meanA,precA)
  for (k in 1:nt) { log(T[k]) <- A + d[k]  }
}                                     # *** PROGRAM ENDS                         

data {
  int<lower=0> ns;                      //number of studies
  int<lower=0> nt;                      //number of treatments
  int<lower=1> no;                      //number of observations
  int<lower=1> na[ns];
  int<lower=0> s[no];                   //study indicator
  int<lower=0> t[no];                   //treatment indicator
  int<lower=0> b[no];                   //baseline indicator
  int<lower=0> r[no];                   //number of 'success' in all arms
  int<lower=0> n[no];                   //number of trials in each arm
  real e[no];                           //number of events per person-years observed
  int<lower=1> b_ndx[ns];
  int<lower=1> t_ndx[no-ns];

parameters {
  vector[nt-1]	d_param;               //mean for treatment effect distribution
  vector[no-ns] delta_param;          
  vector[ns] mu;                       //study mean
  real<lower=0, upper=5> stdev;        //standard deviation for treatment effect distrution
  vector[nt] A;                        //for absolute effects

transformed parameters{
  vector[nt] d;
  vector[no] delta;
  vector[no] lambda; 
  vector[no] theta;
  vector[no] md;        
  cov_matrix[max(na)] cov;
  d[1] <- 0;
  for(i in 2:nt) d[i] <- d_param[i-1];
  for (i in 1:ns) delta[b_ndx[i]] <- 0;
  for (i in 1:(no-ns)) delta[t_ndx[i]] <- delta_param[i];
  lambda <- exp(mu[s] + delta);   //model for linear predictor
  theta <- lambda*e[no];                // event rate * exposure
  md <- d[t] - d[b];
  for(i in 1:max(na)){
    cov[i,i] <- stdev^2;
    for(j in i+1:max(na)){

model {
  A     ~ normal(-3, 0.751646);    // liklihood for placebo effect; precision (1.77); SD = 1/sqrt(prec) = 0.751646
  //mu    ~ normal(0, 10000);
  r     ~ poisson(theta);           //poisson likelihood
    int pos_delta;
    int pos_md;
    pos_delta <- 1;
    pos_md <- 2;
    for (i in 1:ns) {
      if (na[i]==2) {
      delta_param[pos_delta] ~ normal(md[pos_md],stdev);
    } else {
      delta_param[pos_delta:(pos_delta+na[i]-2)] ~ multi_normal(md[pos_md:(pos_md+na[i]-2)], cov[1:(na[i]-1), 1:(na[i]-1)]);
    pos_delta <- pos_delta + na[i] - 1;
    pos_md <- pos_md + na[i];

generated quantities {
  vector[no] dev;
  real totalresdev;               //create scalar variable for total residual deviance
  vector[nt] T;                   //create scalar variables for absolute effects
  for(i in 1:no) dev[i]   <- 2*((theta[i]-r[i]) + r[i]*log(r[i]/theta[i]));     
  totalresdev <- sum(dev);  
  T <- exp(A + d);                //absolute effect of treatment


I see things ike this in the Stan program:

  A     ~ normal(-3, 0.751646);   

and this in the BUGS:

  A ~ dnorm(meanA,precA)

It makes it very hard to compare.

That’s a lot of code to digest and compare, so if you could perhaps isolate where you think there may be a difference, we could take a look.

This may not vary from the BUGS, but we strongly disrecommend these uniform interval priors in Stan as they don’t do what most people think they’re going to do:

  real<lower=0, upper=5> stdev;  

There’s a lot you can do to make that Stan program more efficient.

I’d strongly recommend indenting properly rather than having things like this that don’t scan:

    for (i in 1:ns) {
      if (na[i]==2) {
      delta_param[pos_delta] ~ normal(md[pos_md],stdev);
    } else {
      delta_param[pos_delta:(pos_delta+na[i]-2)] ~ multi_normal(md[pos_md:(pos_md+na[i]-2)], cov[1:(na[i]-1), 1:(na[i]-1)]);
    pos_delta <- pos_delta + na[i] - 1;
    pos_md <- pos_md + na[i];

All of thos pos mods are in the loop body.

I didn’t understand this:

  lambda <- exp(mu[s] + delta);   //model for linear predictor
  theta <- lambda*e[no];                // event rate * exposure
  r     ~ poisson(theta);           //poisson likelihood

Why does only the last index of e get used?

Stan has a Poisson on the log scale, rather than

r ~ poisson(exp(...) * u);

you can use

r ~ poisson_log(... + log(u));

which will be much more artihmetically stable.

Dear Gustaf,

do you perform your NMA with STAN well?

Thanks a lot.