Latent Dirichlet Allocation model

Dear Stan communities,

I am trying to write a Latent Dirichlet Allocation model in Stan. Even though the code seems to work, Stan won’t update any of the parameters so all the parameters stay at its initial value. I wonder what the problem is. Any help will be greatly appreciated. Please see the code for data simulation and Stan below. Thanks.


path <- 'd:/'

# simulate data
C <- 10 # max number of clusters
C_real <- 3
L <- 100 # number of locations
S <- 20 # number of species
n <- S * 5

V <- matrix(rbeta(L*C_real,1,C_real-1), L, C_real)
theta <- matrix(, L, C_real)
q <- matrix(, L, C_real-1)
for (i in 1:L) {
  theta[i,1] <- V[i,1]
  q[i,1] <- 1 - theta[i,1]
  for (c in 2:(C_real-1)) {
    theta[i,c] <- V[i,c] * q[i,c-1]
    q[i,c] <- q[i,c-1] - theta[i,c]
  } # c
  theta[i,C_real] <- q[i,C_real-1]
} # i

alpha <- c(rep(.2,3), rep((1-.2*3)/(S-3),S-3))
phi <- matrix(, C_real, S)
for (c in 1:C_real) {
  phi[c,] <- rdirichlet(1, sample(alpha, S, replace=F))

pi <- matrix(, L, S)
for (i in 1:L) {
  for (s in 1:S) {
    pi[i,s] <- sum(theta[i,] * phi[,s])

y <- matrix(, L, S)
for (i in 1:L) {
  y[i,] <- rmultinom(n=1, size=n, pi[i,])

beta <- rep(1/S, S)

# define model
sink(paste(c(path, 'lda_stb2.stan'), collapse=''))

  int<lower=0> C; # max number of clusters
  int<lower=0> L; # number of locations
  int<lower=0> S; # number of species
  int<lower=0> y[L, S]; # data
  vector<lower=0>[S] beta; # prior for phi
} # data

parameters {
  matrix<lower=0,upper=1>[L, C] V; # a location by cluster matrix
  matrix<lower=0,upper=1>[S, C] phi; # a cluster by species matrix
} # parameters

transformed parameters{
#  vector<lower=0>[S] alpha; # prior for phi
  matrix<lower=0,upper=1>[C, L] theta; # truncated stick-breaking prior
  matrix<lower=0,upper=1>[L, C-1] q;
  matrix<lower=0,upper=1>[S, L] pi; # probability of observation for each location and species

#  for (s in 1:S) {
#    alpha[s] <- 1;
#  } # s

  for (i in 1:L) {
    theta[1,i] <- V[i,1];
    q[i,1] <- 1 - theta[1,i];
    for (c in 2:(C-1)) {
      theta[c,i] <- V[i,c] * q[i,c-1];
      q[i,c] <- q[i,c-1] - theta[c,i];
    } # C-1
    theta[C,i] <- q[i,C-1];
  } # i

  for (i in 1:L) {
    for (s in 1:S) {
      pi[s,i] <- row(phi,s) * col(theta,i);
    } # S
  } # L
} # transformed parameters

model {
  for (i in 1:L) {
    for (c in 1:C) {
      V[i,c] ~ beta(1,.5);
  } # L

  for (c in 1:C) {
    col(phi,c) ~ dirichlet(beta);
  } # L

  for (i in 1:L) {
    y[i] ~ multinomial(col(pi,i));
  } # i
} # model

", fill=TRUE)

# call STAN
data <- list(C=C, L=L, S=S, y=y, beta=beta)

V_init <- cbind(V, matrix(.01, L, C-C_real))
phi_init <- t(rbind(phi, matrix(1/S, C-C_real, S)))

init_fun <- function() {
                V = V_init, 
                phi = phi_init
              ) # list
            } # function

fit <- stan(file=paste(c(path, 'lda_stb2.stan'), collapse=''), 
            data=data, init=init_fun, 
            par=c('theta', 'phi'), 
            control=list(stepsize=0.01, adapt_delta=0.99), 
            iter=500, warmup=250, thin=1, chains=1)
print(fit, digit=3)

[edit: mark code as code]

I think you’re missing simplex declarations. Did you read the version in the manual? The columns of phi and of pi need to be simplexes for the dirichlet to work. You might find it easier using an array of simplexes here rather than the columsn of a matrix. There’s an example in the manual.

You should’ve gotten divergence warnings. What does your output say? (Messages were getting lost before 2.16, so if you’re not seeing them and have an older version, you may need to upgrade.)