Interpreting plots from rstan plot_diag

Answering a couple of parts of my own question after looking at the R source:
First, the info is stored in the sampler_params attribute of @sim$samples (from the get_sampler_params method).
Second, apparently the 4th chain is the only one with big tree depths:

    > xt <- rstan:::.sampler_params_post_warmup(fit4, "treedepth__", as.df=TRUE)
    > summary(xt)
    iterations      chain:1     chain:2     chain:3     chain:4         chain:5
    Min.   :1001   Min.   :6   Min.   :6   Min.   :6   Min.   : 5.00   Min.   :6
    1st Qu.:1251   1st Qu.:6   1st Qu.:6   1st Qu.:6   1st Qu.:10.00   1st Qu.:6
    Median :1500   Median :6   Median :6   Median :6   Median :12.00   Median :6
    Mean   :1500   Mean   :6   Mean   :6   Mean   :6   Mean   :11.23   Mean   :6
    3rd Qu.:1750   3rd Qu.:6   3rd Qu.:6   3rd Qu.:6   3rd Qu.:13.00   3rd Qu.:6
    Max.   :2000   Max.   :6   Max.   :6   Max.   :6   Max.   :15.00   Max.   :6
       chain:6     chain:7     chain:8     chain:9     chain:10
    Min.   :6   Min.   :6   Min.   :6   Min.   :6   Min.   :6
    1st Qu.:6   1st Qu.:6   1st Qu.:6   1st Qu.:6   1st Qu.:6
    Median :6   Median :6   Median :6   Median :6   Median :6
    Mean   :6   Mean   :6   Mean   :6   Mean   :6   Mean   :6
    3rd Qu.:6   3rd Qu.:6   3rd Qu.:6   3rd Qu.:6   3rd Qu.:6
    Max.   :6   Max.   :6   Max.   :6   Max.   :6   Max.   :6

The 4th chain also has a slightly larger stepsize than the others (0.0982; next closest is 0.0945, with values ranging down to 0.066).

I still don’t know why the middle panel shows blue and green for treedepth > 6 while the others show only green.

P.S. Is there a way to get a fixed width font?