Ensuring positivity of ODE solution

@bbbales2, @anon75146577, @wds15, @yizhang Thank you all for your advice!

@wds15: When you use a box-cox transform, do you estimate the scale and shift parameter before you load the data into your Stan model or do you estimate these in your full model?

For testing, I am using the crude method right now that wds15 suggested. It works well for the current purposes to keep the solution positive in case the ODE solution gets very close to zero. This happens only in case of parameters in low-probability regions anyways.

However, one thing bothers me still: When I run diagnose test=gradient on my test model then I get some really large values for the finite difference approximations for some parameters. The model is so simple that I cannot really see where I should have made an error in my equations. Could this also be related to numbers getting really small in my ode solution for low-probability parameters? I guess the finite differences approximating the sensitivities of the ODE to get the gradient of the parameters going into the ODE could be very unstable once the solution gets close to zero.

For example, this is a result from a run of diagnose

 Log probability=-3358.23

 param idx           value           model     finite diff           error
         0         1.17108         6483.47         6483.47    1.54628e-007
         1         1.04201        -310.916         -242185          241874
         2        0.297269        -21.5027          3461.6         -3483.1
         3         0.24182        -416.358         -524502          524085
         4       -0.876616        -74.6664        -74.6666     0.000220595
         5        0.923798        -9.82334         3720.79        -3730.62
         6         0.52609        -548.188        -8787.05         8238.86
         7         1.39752         302.246          258035         -257732
         8       -0.546857         4.52945         41220.4        -41215.9
         9        0.831083         407.035          197269         -196862
        10         1.72614         71.2488         71.2495    -0.000730462
        11        -1.07626         5.26091         48026.4        -48021.2
        12         1.49623         534.252         -242825          243359
        13         1.47067        -3.12632          143452         -143455
        14        -1.34691        -706.859         27951.8        -28658.6
        15         1.13975        -3.43895          370977         -370981
        16        0.832852       -0.981895       -0.981967    7.12531e-005
        17        0.695118        -256.892        -14628.4         14371.6
        18        0.280268         -6.0746        -93763.3         93757.3

I noticed that model derivatives via AD and finite differences are much more in line for parameter values with higher log probability. Maybe I am using diagnose wrong?

Data and model are attached in case I am doing something obvious wrong.

exp.data.R (901 Bytes)
low_tol.stan (1.4 KB)

EDIT: Out of curiosity, I also tested @Bob_Carpenter’s model which was posted here. Running diagnose test=gradient on that model also leads to large differences between model and finite_diff on my machine. It’s maybe not directly my model after all?

A typical run from diagnose looked like


 Log probability=-1334.85

 param idx           value           model     finite diff           error
         0        0.196752         726.335        -2873.67         3600.01
         1        -1.01118        -456.268         3212.47        -3668.74
         2        0.131759        -755.859        -3677.38         2921.52
         3        0.363325        -437.119         2108.33        -2545.45
         4        -1.71535         366.054         2707.01        -2340.96
         5         0.45776         270.602          2972.9         -2702.3
         6         1.96192        -16.8809        -16.8821       0.0011476
         7        -1.35977         1777.21         1777.56        -0.35014