Different types of reals in documentation and user defined functions?

I was going to update my geomagnetic storm extreme value analysis example, and wanted to use new _lpdf, _lccdf syntax for my user defined functions. While looking for the information in the Stan manual 2.16.0, which is the latest linked in http://mc-stan.org/users/documentation/index.html, I got confused what is difference between
reals y, real[] y, and real y[] in function signatures

After some searching I found the description of “The pseudo-type reals” p. 495, but that specific section could also have an example of actual function definitions to help someone who wants to write a user defined distribution functions. I think I should have function signatures

functions {
  real gpareto_lpdf(real y[], real k, real sigma) {
  real gpareto_lccdf(real y[], real k, real sigma) {

in order to be able to have code

  y ~ gpareto(k, sigma);


  for (n in 1:N)
    log_lik[n]  = gpareto_lpdf(y[n] | k, sigma);
  for (n in 1:Nt)
    predccdf[n] = exp(gpareto_lccdf(yt[nt] | k, sigma));

Is the bar | notation working also for the user defined functions?

ok, I figured it should be

functions {
  real gpareto_lpdf(real[] y, real k, real sigma) {


functions {
  real gpareto_lpdf(vector y, real k, real sigma) {

which is accepted for

  y ~ gpareto(k, sigma);

depending whether we have real[] y or vector y, but then in the generated quantities I need to cast real to array or vector:

generated quantities {
  real log_lik[N];
  /* vector[Nt] predccdf; */
  for (n in 1:N)
    log_lik[n]  = gpareto_lpdf(rep_array(y[n],1) | k, sigma);

It seems it’s not possible to overload user-defined functions to make the rest of the code look same as with built-in distribution functions?

I’m planning to make a case study out of this, so any help and comments for how to make this clear will be appreciated. I know I could define additional user-defined function to be used in generated quantities (even one which would return an array of log_lik’s with one call), but I’m afraid that could also confuse someone.

The whole example code with user-defined generalized Pareto distribution (without argument checks) is

functions {
  real gpareto_lpdf(real[] y, real k, real sigma) {
    // generalised Pareto log pdf with mu=0
    // should check and give error if k<0 and max(y)/sigma > -1/k
    int N;
    N = dims(y)[1];
    if (fabs(k) > 1e-15)
      return -(1+1/k)*sum(log1p(to_vector(y) * (k/sigma))) -N*log(sigma);
      return -sum(y)/sigma -N*log(sigma); // limit k->0
  real gpareto_lccdf(real[] y, real k, real sigma) {
    // generalised Pareto log ccdf with mu=0
    // should check and give error if k<0 and max(y)/sigma < -1/k
    if (fabs(k) > 1e-15)
      return (-1/k)*sum(log1p(to_vector(y) * (k/sigma)));
      return -sum(y)./sigma; // limit k->0
data {
  int<lower=0> N;
  real<lower=0> y[N];
  int<lower=0> Nt;
  real<lower=0> yt[Nt];
transformed data {
  real ymax;
  ymax = max(y);
parameters {
  real<lower=0> sigma; 
  real<lower=-sigma/ymax> k; 
model {
  y ~ gpareto(k, sigma);
generated quantities {
  real log_lik[N];
  vector[Nt] predccdf;
  for (n in 1:N)
    log_lik[n]  = gpareto_lpdf(rep_array(y[n],1) | k, sigma);
  for (nt in 1:Nt)
    predccdf[nt] = exp(gpareto_lccdf(rep_array(yt[nt],1) | k, sigma));

Correct. Also, there is no real y[] signature only real[] y, vector y, and row_vector y in the one-dimensional case.

Thanks for verifying this. Do you (or someone else) have opinions, whether to write it as above, or is it better to have a separate functions for generated quantities block?

Then there are errors in the manual. If you can verify that all real x[] should be real[] x, I can fix the manual.

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functions {
  real foo(real x[]) {
    return sum(x);

yields a parser error, so the manual must be wrong.

I personally have pretty much stopped using one-dimensional real arrays in favor of using vectors. I used to use them when there was no linear algebra involving them, but it just got too confusing for students when to use one and when to use the other.

I completely agree about confusion. There’s a problem that some functions accept only real, like cov_exp_quad.

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Yeah, cov_exp_quad should accept the metatype for all one-dimensional containers of reals.

The errors are in Section 41.1 and Index, but I think it’s possible that instead of real[] x, these might be also reals, but Ican’t be sure and I didn’t fix these, but added a comment to the next manual issue.

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That’s right.

  • reals y is shorthand for any of real (scalar), real[] (1D array of scalars), vector (column vector), and row_vector (row vector),

  • real[] y is the function-argument notation that packs a type without sizes together into a single string, and

  • real y[N] ... is for declaring the variable y.

For use, yes, but the definitions don’t use the bar. We could change that, but it looks odd with the types.

I’m a computer scientist, so I always like things encapsulated in small functions. Here, I think it would make sense to have something like this:

real my_normal_lpdf(real y, real mu, real sigma) {
  ... base definition ...

real[] my_normal_vec_lpdf(real[] y, real mu[], real sigma) {
  real lpd[size(y)];
  for (n in 1:size(y)) lpd[n] = my_normal_lpdf(y[n], mu[n], sigma);
  return lpd;

Or you could get fancy and code the vectorized version more efficiently by reusing shared expressions.

Then you can call my_normal_vec_lpdf in both places, and just do

target += my_normal_vec_lpdf( ... );

because += should take containers on the right-hand side and just add them all to the target log density.

-sum(y) ./ sigma should be just -sum(y) / sigma.

dims(y)[1] can be just size(y)

(-1/k)*sum(...) should probably be -sum(...) / k.

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Me, too. Yes, if the manual has that, it’s wrong. I want to actually move to using

real[5] x;

for array declarations. The only confusing thing is

matrix[4, 5][3] x;

is then going to be a 3-element array of 4x5 matrices.

I don’t really mind having the array size after x; I just don’t use real x[K] much anymore.

Thanks for the comments

I didn’t know (or remember) that!

Oh, wait, but can I also have

y ~  my_normal_vec( ... );

What bugs me is the inconsistency in function arguments. Those don’t have the problem of having vector or matrix sizes. So it’s just matrix x or matrix[] xs for an array of matrices.

No, that won’t work, I’m afraid. The return type has to be real.

Should we generalize the language so this does work? That is, if the function being evaluated returns a container, just sum it?